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Just_A_Thought 03-22-2009 05:18 PM

Something I noticed..
After reading many posts it seems that Peter Ruckman is a forum hero. I am not completely surprised but I was wondering why? Is it just his stance on the KJV or are their other issues in which he is so highly admired for? I am just curious.

Diligent 03-22-2009 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Just_A_Thought (Post 17242)
After reading many posts it seems that Peter Ruckman is a forum hero.

He's not a hero of mine, and this is my forum.

Are you just trying to stir up more trouble? Why are you here!?

Just_A_Thought 03-22-2009 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Diligent (Post 17244)
He's not a hero of mine, and this is my forum.

Are you just trying to stir up more trouble? Why are you here!?

OK, so he is not a hero of your. He appears to be a hero of others here.

How am I trying to stir up trouble? You have issues. I simply asked a question that had NOTHING to do with the KJV. I never post here anymore due to hot-heads as yourself. I asked one question that I think is not the least bit controversial and you get all fired up. RELAX!

Diligent 03-22-2009 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by Just_A_Thought (Post 17248)
I never post here anymore

You say this while you are posting. :loco:

Again, why are you here?

A hot head. Heh. I don't believe anyone has ever described me that way before.

Just_A_Thought 03-22-2009 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Diligent (Post 17249)
You say this while you are posting. :loco:

Again, why are you here?

A hot head. Heh. I don't believe anyone has ever described me that way before.

I never do post here.I was posting here once a week or more. I now only post once in a rare while.

You get all mad because of my post. You then say,"Why are you here!?" As if I was needing yelled at. This is why I called you a hot-head.

Bro. Parrish 03-22-2009 07:13 PM

Diligent is not a "hot head," it's just that we are well aware of your previous posts here, and he simply asked you a question. Since you are now calling the admin. names, it's obvious that you still have not learned any lessons in civility and basic manners.

I don't agree with everything Bro Pete has said or written, but I admire Ruckman's stand on biblical authority because he (along with a group of other decent men) has defended the KJV for many years in the face of the Alexandrian Cult and other slimy, faith-killing Bible deniers who make their living trying to attack it. If that makes him a "hero" of sorts for some, then so be it, there is nothing wrong with heros.

And I think a backtrack on your leaven will put everything in perspective for the readers:


Originally Posted by Just_A_Thought

..."God did preserve His word...IN HEAVEN! ...we do not know which manuscripts are right. So we can not say which one is 100% accurate."


Originally Posted by Just_A_Thought

"God's Word has always been and always will be. He never promised us we would always have it on paper or in the English tongue."


Kiwi Christian 03-22-2009 07:48 PM

They hold an annual *queer* parade down here in my city called "The Hero Parade", so I have a strong aversion to even using that word in my vocabulary nowadays!

I thank God for Dr Ruckman, and while he may not be my "hero" he is certainly among the men that I highly esteem in the church.

1 Thessalonians 5:12 And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; 13 And to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. And be at peace among yourselves.

Fredoheaven 03-22-2009 08:27 PM

Real Hero

Originally Posted by Just_A_Thought (Post 17242)
After reading many posts it seems that Peter Ruckman is a forum hero. I am not completely surprised but I was wondering why? Is it just his stance on the KJV or are their other issues in which he is so highly admired for? I am just curious.

The real hero in the Bible is our Lord Jesus Christ. Now our Lord has gone back in heaven and the bible was completed. What we are as defenders of the Word of God ie. KJV are called heroes. Afterall, Dr. Ruckman is not the only one defending, many others too. Hope also you be one of the defenders of His Word...and be a hero too.jejeje

Jude 25:RunToKJB:

JaeByrd 03-22-2009 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Just_A_Thought (Post 17250)
I never do post here.I was posting here once a week or more. I now only post once in a rare while.

1. not ever; at no time: Such an idea never occurred to me.
2. not at all; absolutely not: never mind; This will never do.
3. to no extent or degree: He was never the wiser for his experience.

Just_A_Thought 03-22-2009 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Kiwi Christian (Post 17252)
They hold an annual *queer* parade down here in my city called "The Hero Parade", so I have a strong aversion to even using that word in my vocabulary nowadays!

I thank God for Dr Ruckman, and while he may not be my "hero" he is certainly among the men that I highly esteem in the church.

1 Thessalonians 5:12 And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; 13 And to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. And be at peace among yourselves.

Sad to see that the gay community has yet ruined another good word.

Thanks for your answer.

Hayseed 03-23-2009 12:42 AM

I very recently started watching Dr Peter S Ruckman's Dvd's and I love listening to his Sunday School sermons.
I felt very priveleged to have had this chance to hear his teachings.

I even have been praying for him because selfishly I want him to be here for sometime to come.

Jeremy 03-23-2009 04:57 AM

Dr. Ruckman or any other man is not a hero. He has good reading/reference material, commentarys and stands for the King James Bible, unlike alot of Apostates nowadays.
Of course i do not agree with everything,but than again no one is 100%.
You know,stand for something or fall for anything. That is the way of 21st century churches.

Just_A_Thought 03-23-2009 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by Jeremy (Post 17267)
Dr. Ruckman or any other man is not a hero. He has good reading/reference material, commentarys and stands for the King James Bible, unlike alot of Apostates nowadays.
Of course i do not agree with everything,but than again no one is 100%.
You know,stand for something or fall for anything. That is the way of 21st century churches.

OK, maybe hero was not a good word to choose. I personally have no issue with it but maybe a "fan of" or "someone in whom is admired" would have been a better choice of words.

Bro. Parrish 03-23-2009 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by Jeremy (Post 17267)
Dr. Ruckman or any other man is not a hero.

Ehh? Who taught you this, of course there are heroes! There are some women heroes too! We can debate whether Ruckman is such, but please deliver me from a society that no longer recognizes heroes. People have been pulled from burning buildings and cars by heroes. Unarmed heroes have defended helpless women against multiple rapists. Drowning victims have been snatched from frozen rivers by everyday people who put their own lives at risk, those are heroes in my book. We haven't even got to the battle fields of Iraq yet, of course there are heroes. You probably have a few of them in your town.

Repeating my comments from post no. 6, I admire Ruckman's stand on biblical authority because he (along with a group of other decent men) has defended the KJV for many years in the face of the Alexandrian Cult and other slimy, faith-killing Bible deniers who make their living trying to attack it. If that makes him a "hero" of sorts for some, then so be it, there is nothing wrong with heros!
Okay, rant over, sorry Bro. Jeremy. :)

Hayseed 03-23-2009 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish (Post 17278)
Ehh? Who taught you this, of course there are heroes! There are some women heroes too! We can debate whether Ruckman is such, but please deliver me from a society that no longer recognizes heroes. People have been pulled from burning buildings and cars by heroes.

Dr Peter S Ruckman probably has pulled many a lost person from the flames of Hell by his honest preaching.:)

George 03-23-2009 03:17 PM

Re: "Something I noticed."
Aloha brother Parish,

Your absolutely right - of course there are heroes (saved and lost). After all, the word "hero" is a legitimate English word. We can appreciate heroes and heroism in people. What we, as Christians, are not to do is "worship" heroes!

The Holy Bible clearly teaches that God is NOT a "respecter of persons" [Job 36:19, 37:23-24; 2Samuel 14:14; 2Chronicles 19:7; Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11; Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 3:25; 1Peter 1:17 ]; and it instructs God's people not to engage in "respect of persons" - before the Law [Job 13:10, Job 31:16-23, 32:21-22, 34:19 ]; during the Law [Leviticus 19:15; Deuteronomy 1:17, 16:19; Proverbs 24:23, 28:21]; and during this age of Grace [James 2:1, 9].

Considering all of the Christian "celebrities" out there, there sure is a whole lot of "respect of persons" going on in Christian circles today!

On the other hand, "Just a Thought's" frivolous and unfounded charges are just one more example of his trying to stir up "controversy" amongst the brethren, which gives him another opportunity to point fingers and play the "victim". :(

Cody1611 03-23-2009 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Just_A_Thought (Post 17242)
After reading many posts it seems that Peter Ruckman is a forum hero. I am not completely surprised but I was wondering why? Is it just his stance on the KJV or are their other issues in which he is so highly admired for? I am just curious.

Because he not only preaches the word of God, he believes it IS the word of God. In my opinion, he is a very intelligent Bible teacher and I look up to him because his love for God, the Bible, lost souls and etc. He is not perfect, but I sure would love to see what all he gets at the Judgment Seat of Christ. And for all you that bash him, why don't you go stick your head in a bucket of water three times and pull it out two times. ;) lol jk

Brother Tim 03-23-2009 05:55 PM

Folks, I think it is important for KJBOs to do two things:

- Respond with carefully guarded words, even with the aggressive MVer. Firm rebuke should only come in response to clear and direct verbal assault. Brandon, I love you more than can be expressed, but JustAT did not openly provoke. You may have read that into his first post, but we need to allow challenges with popping the poster in the figurative nose after the first post.

- Refrain from snide remarks, even when said in "jest". Joking around only works with close friends. Cody's last comment was unnecessary.

I have failed in the past to do this with much regret.

Just_A_Thought 03-23-2009 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Cody1611 (Post 17292)
Because he not only preaches the word of God, he believes it IS the word of God. In my opinion, he is a very intelligent Bible teacher and I look up to him because his love for God, the Bible, lost souls and etc. He is not perfect, but I sure would love to see what all he gets at the Judgment Seat of Christ. And for all you that bash him, why don't you go stick your head in a bucket of water three times and pull it out two times. ;) lol jk

I had to read that part twice. It did not make sence when I read,"...stick your head in a bucket of water three times and pull it out three." Then I realized the last word was "twice". I got quite a chuckle out of it.

One thing I am surprised that no one has mentioned is his chalk drawings. I never here of this. I saw him on youtube the other day and learned he draws with chalk as he preaches/teaches. Quite intresting. I use to scetch rather well but NEVER with chalk. I could never make it work. I must admit, I wish I could.

Renee 03-23-2009 06:23 PM

Brother Tim,

It isn't just the first post of Just A Thought here on this Thread that (I think) caused Brandon to reply as he did. If you go and check all the threads that Just a Thought has started, you will find that his thoughts are a bit troublesome.

His Threads have had me wondering, what is his agenda?

And I am being rather guarded as I would like to something more harsh.


Just_A_Thought 03-23-2009 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by George (Post 17288)
Aloha brother Parish,

Your absolutely right - of course there are heroes (saved and lost). After all, the word "hero" is a legitimate English word. We can appreciate heroes and heroism in people. What we, as Christians, are not to do is "worship" heroes!

The Holy Bible clearly teaches that God is NOT a "respecter of persons" [Job 36:19, 37:23-24; 2Samuel 14:14; 2Chronicles 19:7; Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11; Ephesians 6:9; Colossians 3:25; 1Peter 1:17 ]; and it instructs God's people not to engage in "respect of persons" - before the Law [Job 13:10, Job 31:16-23, 32:21-22, 34:19 ]; during the Law [Leviticus 19:15; Deuteronomy 1:17, 16:19; Proverbs 24:23, 28:21]; and during this age of Grace [James 2:1, 9].

Considering all of the Christian "celebrities" out there, there sure is a whole lot of "respect of persons" going on in Christian circles today!

On the other hand, "Just a Thought's" frivolous and unfounded charges are just one more example of his trying to stir up "controversy" amongst the brethren, which gives him another opportunity to point fingers and play the "victim". :(

Ummm...I have been trying to stir up trouble? When? I have challange KJVOism in the past and found no one like to debate. Everyone seems to get mad. So I dropped it. Have you not noticed I am not posting anything regarding different versions or anything of that nature.

This thread is not trying to stir up trouble either. I got the thought that everyone like Ruckman so much due to the excitement about the Ruckman Reference Bible coming out (or may be out). I figured it would be a good topic for the chit-chat forum. You need to give a guy a break once in a while and stop accussing people of things they are not doing. If you think I am nothing but trouble then don't read my posts. If you do continue to read my posts and disagree then post why. I will treat you with respect no matter how you treat me to the best of my ability. I am not perfect so I can get nasty to but I try not to. This is something I have failed at much in the past but have been diligently working on.

Just_A_Thought 03-23-2009 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Renee (Post 17297)
Brother Tim,

It isn't just the first post of Just A Thought here on this Thread that (I think) caused Brandon to reply as he did. If you go and check all the threads that Just a Thought has started, you will find that his thoughts are a bit troublesome.

His Threads have had me wondering, what is his agenda?

And I am being rather guarded as I would like to something more harsh.


Hmmm...I am not sure my "thoughts are a bit troublesome." Maybe to you but not myself. I guess that is the benefit of always feeling right. I know I am not always right but if I knew where my thoughts were wrong I think I would change them. I have raised a lot of havoc on this forum, no doubt. I don't do it on purpose though. I was raised KJVO and feel at home in that kind of group. I still go to a KJVO church as well. I came here to mingle with those I am use to. I enjoy a good debate so I started debating and angered a lot of people so I quit. I can't debate at church on the topic of KJVO becuause that would be unerminding the pastor which is plain wrong so I did it here. As many KJVOs as there is on here I am severly outnumbered. I do not expect to win just enjoy an honest debate. That is my agenda.

Feel free to speek your mind. I can take it just try to be Christ-like.

chette777 03-23-2009 06:59 PM



Originally Posted by Just_A_Thought (Post 17300)
I guess that is the benefit of always feeling right. I know I am not always right but if I knew where my thoughts were wrong I think I would change them.

Never assume that a persons confidence is always them being right. We have confidence n Gods word and the truth we have learned in the KJV.

The issue of us liking Ruckman is trivial and has no bearing on the truth of God except where he agrees with it. He is just a man. So why do you want to chit-chat about it?

When motives are not revealed up front in why a thread is being posted then it is left to us to try and figure out what is up in any given post. I have tried a few time to start threads explaining what I am trying to do so no one gets confused or misjudges the threads purpose. people still misjudge but most see clearly what it is for.

As fa as debates. forums are the bringing together of information for all to view and get understanding on a topic. if it is in Biblical error it will lead to correction (which is Biblical). if the subject is controversial it should lead to respectful revelation and not to personal judgement of each other.

But to come here looking for debates is wrong. I come here to learn from others and to bounce thoughts and views off other like minded men. I will post doctrines that are in error and try to correct them. I will remark on current events. Most of ALL I want to exalt the scriptures as God has exalted it above his name in every area of Christians living, practice and doctrine.

Luke 03-23-2009 06:59 PM

Why do you enjoy debating?

It's alright to defend something, but you aren't defending anything.

Just_A_Thought 03-23-2009 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by chette777 (Post 17301)

Never assume that a persons confidence is always them being right. We have confidence n Gods word and the truth we have learned in the KJV.

The issue of us liking Ruckman is trivial and has no bearing on the truth of God except where he agrees with it. He is just a man. So why do you want to chit-chat about it?

When motives are not revealed up front in why a thread is being posted then it is left to us to try and figure out what is up in any given post. I have tried a few time to start threads explaining what I am trying to do so no one gets confused or misjudges the threads purpose. people still misjudge but most see clearly what it is for.

As fa as debates. forums are the bringing together of information for all to view and get understanding on a topic. if it is in Biblical error it will lead to correction (which is Biblical). if the subject is controversial it should lead to respectful revelation and not to personal judgement of each other.

But to come here looking for debates is wrong. I come here to learn from others and to bounce thoughts and views off other like minded men. I will post doctrines that are in error and try to correct them. I will remark on current events. Most of ALL I want to exalt the scriptures as God has exalted it above his name in every area of Christians living, practice and doctrine.

It is still cofindence none the less. I have heard more than one teaching on a topic and all came from the KJV. It is still up to the reader to comprehend what the KJV is saying.

Just trying to start a nice conversation. Something that I thought eveyone would enjoy.

Stop trying to judge eveyones motives all the time. If I have a motive or agenda it will come to the surface eventually. Everyone that secretly tries to pop up an agenda always does.

Nothing wrong with a kind debate. No calling someone an "idot" or "moron". This shows where someone is wrong. It punches holes in mans thoughts so he can correct them Iif he so chooses).

Just_A_Thought 03-23-2009 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by Luke (Post 17302)
Why do you enjoy debating?

It's alright to defend something, but you aren't defending anything.

Read my post above for this answer.

I defend what I believe the Bible teaches just as you do.

Cody1611 03-23-2009 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Brother Tim (Post 17294)
- Refrain from snide remarks, even when said in "jest". Joking around only works with close friends. Cody's last comment was unnecessary.

Sorry for my unnecessary comment. I didn't think a brother in Christ would take it the wrong way.

Brother Tim 03-23-2009 07:49 PM

Cody, JustAT appears to have received your joke as such and that is fine. The problem comes when lurkers clip-and-snip our "jokes" and then use them elsewhere to prove that we are mean-spirited. I have seen it happen. In fact with the very joke that you used (someone else used the same joke, not you)

Renee, I know well that JustAT can be a bit difficult. We bang heads regularly over at FFF where I go to work on my people skills. :) He is actually one of the milder ones over there. He sincerely thinks that we just need a little more convincing and we will "see the light". Little does he know!

It does seem that just the mention of Dr. Ruckman's name gets emotions active. He has made a personal difference in the lives of a number of members here, and a non-KJBer dropping his name is a red flag, because non-KJBers almost universally despise him.

Just_A_Thought 03-23-2009 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Brother Tim (Post 17314)
Cody, JustAT appears to have received your joke as such and that is fine. The problem comes when lurkers clip-and-snip our "jokes" and then use them elsewhere to prove that we are mean-spirited. I have seen it happen. In fact with the very joke that you used (someone else used the same joke, not you)

Renee, I know well that JustAT can be a bit difficult. We bang heads regularly over at FFF where I go to work on my people skills. :) He is actually one of the milder ones over there. He sincerely thinks that we just need a little more convincing and we will "see the light". Little does he know!

It does seem that just the mention of Dr. Ruckman's name gets emotions active. He has made a personal difference in the lives of a number of members here, and a non-KJBer dropping his name is a red flag, because non-KJBers almost universally despise him.

I almost have you convinced...;) (not really). On a more serious note, we may bump heads but we treat each other Christ-like. I am certainly not out to trash anyone. God knows my intentions and I wish others did. I am not out for anyones throats here.

Ruckman does get people going, even on this site. I did not think it would be such a big issue here or I would not have touched it. I know better than to bring him up again here. Just for the record, I may not be KJVO but I do not despise him. Many on here like him and I wanted to start a positive thread which I failed at miserably. My apologies.

Renee 03-23-2009 08:44 PM

Just a Thought.

Here is a thought for you.

Romans 14:19 Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.

I would dare say, most people who post here do so to edify others, not debate.

Aloha Renee

Just_A_Thought 03-23-2009 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by Renee (Post 17328)
Just a Thought.

Here is a thought for you.

Romans 14:19 Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.

I would dare say, most people who post here do so to edify others, not debate.

Aloha Renee

OK but there is notjing wrong with debating. People do it here and say they are trying to help each other out. One post a verse followed by thier thoughts and then the other counters with the same. Call it what you will but that is debating.

Brother Tim 03-24-2009 07:30 AM

Friends "discuss", opponents "debate". The intention of discussion should be the broadening of knowledge. The intention of debate is to win.

Jeremy 03-24-2009 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish (Post 17278)
Ehh? Who taught you this, of course there are heroes! there is nothing wrong with heros!
Okay, rant over, sorry Bro. Jeremy. :)

Out of all the words to pick on me about you just had to choose hero.:D
Bad choice of words,yes there are heros,ok.
Everytime i hear that word "hero "it brings up bad memories.:hurt: like this song:
Oh how painful,to listen without wanting to run out of the room kicking and screaming
Like fingernails down a chalkboard.:pound:

Just_A_Thought 03-24-2009 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by Brother Tim (Post 17345)
Friends "discuss", opponents "debate". The intention of discussion should be the broadening of knowledge. The intention of debate is to win.

Our definitions are different but if we follow your definitions then I would pick the word discuss over debate.

Jeremy 03-24-2009 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Cody1611 (Post 17309)
Sorry for my unnecessary comment. I didn't think a brother in Christ would take it the wrong way.

I got it. Bad brother Cody,now go stand in the corner!:D

tonybones2112 03-24-2009 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Just_A_Thought (Post 17242)
After reading many posts it seems that Peter Ruckman is a forum hero. I am not completely surprised but I was wondering why? Is it just his stance on the KJV or are their other issues in which he is so highly admired for? I am just curious.

JAT, my differences with Dr. Ruckman mostly are doctrinal. Doc Pete is a Baptist, I'm not. I came out of the Church Of Christ where any and all versions nearly are acceptable. I attended several Name-It Claim-It Pentecostal churches until I noticed a lot of people were naming and next to none claiming. There followed a two year limbo in a Bride Church where at least the preaching was good, I was mostly a knothole in a pew. A gentleman did a presentation on why the KJV was the inspired word of God FROM the word of God rather than manuscript evidence. I was using both a KJV and NASB. I kept the NASB as evidence, so to speak.

I attended one church that was dispensational and fundamentalist and from there I began reading Dr. Ruckman's books, I had nearly all of them. We call ourselves Grace Believers, Baptists call us Dry Cleaners. Of course, COC calls all of us damned, which is why I left them. You can't get a smile out of them at gunpoint. Rejecting the Calvinism and multi version original manuscript fraud of Stam, we had Richard Jordan in the church as a guest speaker. Jordan was booted out of the presidency of the Bereans when he made the statement the Bereans would use only the KJV, and Stam would not have that. Jordan attended Ruckman's school, BTW. I know Richard personally and consider him a brother and friend. I know Baptists I consider brothers and friends. I know a few unsaved Vietnam vets I consider brothers and friends. We can have brothers and friends in both worlds without making them gurus. That's part of your question here I think.

Dr. Ruckman has a following and like all followings there is a minority who are somewhat unsavory. Most the Christians I know who follow Dr. Ruckman do so as Christian gentlemen, recognize he has faults as we all do. Once in heaven me and Paul of Tarsus will have a fist fight over who is the least of Christians. So in naming Christians with faults, I am at the head of the list. This minority faction views Doc Pete as a guru, they emulate his dress, his speech("you moron", I prefer David Letterman's "mow-ron". In times of anger I have been noted to spout "knucklehead" a few times), they even emulate his prayer stance(on one knee with head in hands. I don't bow my head in prayer but look to heaven, as Jesus did in John 17. WWJD?). I've been at a few of his meetings where there were young men who have the hobby of bodybuilding as bodyguards and noticed over the years blackjacks sticking out of hip pockets. I guess the NIV translation commitee are some real thugs who are out to get Doc Pete. All men of high public profile have followings and some are not as I said, savory. I've been to meetings held by Oral Roberts and Jimmy Swaggart and noted people there I would not invite to a dogfight.

Dr. Ruckman has taught me some neat stuff, such as staying in the KJV for definitions. He showed me Isaiah 28 and Paul's spiritual things with spiritual things comparisons. It is unfortunate for any membership by me in the Baptist church that his method showed me the first formal water baptism in the Bible to be in Leviticus 8. everything I know about dispensationalism I did not learn from Stam, Darby, O'Hair; I learned it from Dr. Peter Sturges Ruckman. I thank him that I go to sleep tonight and every night knowing there are no contradictions in the Bible. The most trustworthy commnetaries to me are his, I did like Stam's THINGS THAT DIFFER. I learned everything I know about dispensationalism from him, in my opinion he hunts with the Baptist hounds and runs with the dispensational rabbits.

Friend or foe we all need to have a perspective on Dr. Ruckman: He is an 87 year old man. He is an elder. He was saved before my mother and father met. He is a man, like all men has faults. I've never met Dr. Ruckman, I hope someday I can.

If I can get by the bodybuilders.

So, would you like to discuss the bible version issue?

Grace and peace


Just_A_Thought 03-25-2009 05:44 AM


Originally Posted by tonybones2112 (Post 17378)
JAT, my differences with Dr. Ruckman mostly are doctrinal. Doc Pete is a Baptist, I'm not. I came out of the Church Of Christ where any and all versions nearly are acceptable. I attended several Name-It Claim-It Pentecostal churches until I noticed a lot of people were naming and next to none claiming. There followed a two year limbo in a Bride Church where at least the preaching was good, I was mostly a knothole in a pew. A gentleman did a presentation on why the KJV was the inspired word of God FROM the word of God rather than manuscript evidence. I was using both a KJV and NASB. I kept the NASB as evidence, so to speak.

I attended one church that was dispensational and fundamentalist and from there I began reading Dr. Ruckman's books, I had nearly all of them. We call ourselves Grace Believers, Baptists call us Dry Cleaners. Of course, COC calls all of us damned, which is why I left them. You can't get a smile out of them at gunpoint. Rejecting the Calvinism and multi version original manuscript fraud of Stam, we had Richard Jordan in the church as a guest speaker. Jordan was booted out of the presidency of the Bereans when he made the statement the Bereans would use only the KJV, and Stam would not have that. Jordan attended Ruckman's school, BTW. I know Richard personally and consider him a brother and friend. I know Baptists I consider brothers and friends. I know a few unsaved Vietnam vets I consider brothers and friends. We can have brothers and friends in both worlds without making them gurus. That's part of your question here I think.

Dr. Ruckman has a following and like all followings there is a minority who are somewhat unsavory. Most the Christians I know who follow Dr. Ruckman do so as Christian gentlemen, recognize he has faults as we all do. Once in heaven me and Paul of Tarsus will have a fist fight over who is the least of Christians. So in naming Christians with faults, I am at the head of the list. This minority faction views Doc Pete as a guru, they emulate his dress, his speech("you moron", I prefer David Letterman's "mow-ron". In times of anger I have been noted to spout "knucklehead" a few times), they even emulate his prayer stance(on one knee with head in hands. I don't bow my head in prayer but look to heaven, as Jesus did in John 17. WWJD?). I've been at a few of his meetings where there were young men who have the hobby of bodybuilding as bodyguards and noticed over the years blackjacks sticking out of hip pockets. I guess the NIV translation commitee are some real thugs who are out to get Doc Pete. All men of high public profile have followings and some are not as I said, savory. I've been to meetings held by Oral Roberts and Jimmy Swaggart and noted people there I would not invite to a dogfight.

Dr. Ruckman has taught me some neat stuff, such as staying in the KJV for definitions. He showed me Isaiah 28 and Paul's spiritual things with spiritual things comparisons. It is unfortunate for any membership by me in the Baptist church that his method showed me the first formal water baptism in the Bible to be in Leviticus 8. everything I know about dispensationalism I did not learn from Stam, Darby, O'Hair; I learned it from Dr. Peter Sturges Ruckman. I thank him that I go to sleep tonight and every night knowing there are no contradictions in the Bible. The most trustworthy commnetaries to me are his, I did like Stam's THINGS THAT DIFFER. I learned everything I know about dispensationalism from him, in my opinion he hunts with the Baptist hounds and runs with the dispensational rabbits.

Friend or foe we all need to have a perspective on Dr. Ruckman: He is an 87 year old man. He is an elder. He was saved before my mother and father met. He is a man, like all men has faults. I've never met Dr. Ruckman, I hope someday I can.

If I can get by the bodybuilders.

So, would you like to discuss the bible version issue?

Grace and peace


Wow! Well thought out post. I agree with the way you look at Ruckman as well as the way we should look at all men. They are sinners with good qualities. I know you did not word it exactly that way and feel free to correct me if that mis-represents your thoughts.

As far as the Bible version issue is concerned, if you wish the send me a PM on here that is fine but if we have an open discussion on it many here will be mad by post #1. It is not worth upsetting everyone over it.

tonybones2112 03-25-2009 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by Just_A_Thought (Post 17379)
Wow! Well thought out post. I agree with the way you look at Ruckman as well as the way we should look at all men. They are sinners with good qualities. I know you did not word it exactly that way and feel free to correct me if that mis-represents your thoughts.

As far as the Bible version issue is concerned, if you wish the send me a PM on here that is fine but if we have an open discussion on it many here will be mad by post #1. It is not worth upsetting everyone over it.

J, I would be glad to PM you, I am not versed(no pun intended)in this forum program however, if you could give me a heads up on PMing I'd be glad to. Whether or not we discuss in public or privately is up to you. I think that though neither side may move very far from our positions, it would be edifying to both to just get the other's perspective in maybe a non-combative atmosphere. I've got no axes to grind where you are the whetstone, nor no notches to add to any debate guns. If you trust the blood of Jesus Christ to get you to heaven, His Spirit dwells in you, if you know you are like me, undeserving of His great sacrifice but accept His love, if you accept HIS faith and righteousness, we have a common basis for friendship that cannot be broken.

My friend, I believe my message to you is accurate to the best of my knowledge, and you discerned exactly what I meant. We are all sinners saved by grace. Dr. Ruckman and I share a common background in that we are both "country boys", any agreement or disagreement I believe would be founded in that, I think by nature we would understand each other.

You are free to email me also, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Grace and peace


Just_A_Thought 03-25-2009 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by tonybones2112 (Post 17381)
J, I would be glad to PM you, I am not versed(no pun intended)in this forum program however, if you could give me a heads up on PMing I'd be glad to. Whether or not we discuss in public or privately is up to you. I think that though neither side may move very far from our positions, it would be edifying to both to just get the other's perspective in maybe a non-combative atmosphere. I've got no axes to grind where you are the whetstone, nor no notches to add to any debate guns. If you trust the blood of Jesus Christ to get you to heaven, His Spirit dwells in you, if you know you are like me, undeserving of His great sacrifice but accept His love, if you accept HIS faith and righteousness, we have a common basis for friendship that cannot be broken.

My friend, I believe my message to you is accurate to the best of my knowledge, and you discerned exactly what I meant. We are all sinners saved by grace. Dr. Ruckman and I share a common background in that we are both "country boys", any agreement or disagreement I believe would be founded in that, I think by nature we would understand each other.

You are free to email me also, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Grace and peace


I tried to PM you bu5t it appears that there is not a PM service on here. I apologize.

Diligent 03-25-2009 05:49 PM

Just FYI, anyone who wants to receive messages from other forum users just needs to make their email address public in their profile. Click the User CP link at the top-left > Edit Options > Receive Email from Other Members.

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