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lei-kjvonly 02-25-2008 01:31 PM

What about the CCM movement
What do you guys think about Contemporary Christian Music?


jerry 02-25-2008 02:10 PM

It is the music of the world with the label "Christian" attached. Being contempory doesn't make it wrong in itself - there are some sound artists out there that are sold out, doctrinally sound and separated to the Lord. Though generally speaking, CCM is Rock in all its forms, Country, or soft rock-sounding Southern Gospel. Even its praise and worship is soft to medium rock with a drum backbeat.

If you study out the various groups within CCM, you will typically find groups that are ecumenical (yoking up with unbelievers and/or all that calls itself Christian), doctrinally unsound (anything from SDA's, charismatic, Catholic, New Age, or someone who just does not know the Bible), no separation (groups that listen to secular rock themselves, long hair on men, short hair on women, tattoos and piercings, skimpy or grunge clothing), immorality and drug/alcohol abuse, pornography addiction. I am not saying all these groups do all of these things - I am saying I have not found ANY CCM groups that do not fall into one or more of these categories. For example, Sandi Patti committed adultery with a backup member of her band for 4 years before divorcing their own spouses and marrying one another. Yet this whole time she produced soft rock albums that ommitted the name of Jesus Christ - yet Christendom wants us to believe that this music is somehow pleasing to the Lord. She was committing abomination while producing it - I believe every time we play that music, it is a stench in God's nostrils.

Paladin54 02-25-2008 06:06 PM

Oh, how easily the masses are decieved! My friends show me these big huge Christian bands and I don't even have to hear their music-I just look at their photos and say "These are Christians?"

About hair, should (real) worship music fit under the circumstances of prayer or prophecy as demonstrated in I Corinthians 11?

jerry 02-25-2008 06:23 PM

The artists should be obeying Scripture. If they are unwilling to do so, should we be entertained or spiritually influenced by their music? Satan has had 6000 years to corrupt music - we need to remember that.

Ezekiel 28:13 Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.

lei-kjvonly 02-25-2008 11:35 PM

I myself am not for CCM but I'm trying to find ways to combat it with some of my coworkers, so I would appreciate some different view points.

timothy 02-26-2008 06:02 AM

The problem I have with listening to these music is that they lead me back to listening to secular music. So I just avoid it...

lei-kjvonly 02-26-2008 10:14 AM

I agree into looking into the background of some artists in order to find out about their music, but what if someone doesn't have that capability? Can you find scripture to condemn or outline some music standards? Another thing is if you lean on for example "that man's background is wicked," I'm pretty sure that someone could find something wrong with the artists that wrote music we listen to. It may be great music, but if we stand on that viewpoint then we probably can't listen to much music since we are all sinners right? So my point is, is that a strong or sound argument? I also have used the argument "that music sounds like the world's music." People just tell me that is not true. The argument causes me to lean on my own logic instead of the Word.

jerry 02-26-2008 12:15 PM

If you are backslidden or in unrepentant sin, is God pleased by the songs you write in the flesh during that time? Of course not - He obviously is not your influence while your heart is hardened by your sin. In the Bible He spoke through holy men of God. David wrote his Psalms when he repented of his sins - not while he was in the midst of them. I am not referring to some artist that had some sin in their past - but referring to those who produce music in a backslidden state (ie. going through the motions).

Beth 02-26-2008 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by lei-kjvonly (Post 805)
I myself am not for CCM but I'm trying to find ways to combat it with some of my coworkers, so I would appreciate some different view points.

I had to stop listening to CCM altogether because it was playing with my emotions. I don't need any help in feeding the flesh!

I now listen to the sacred hymns. It's hard to believe that at one time I thought this music was boring. Now I love it!!

I guess in the past I was use to the squishy music that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Now if I happen upon it on the radio, I am disgusted and turn it off right away. It's so gooey sweet, it's hard for me to listen to now. just as well! Amen!

Check out this radio website. I don't like all of the music, but I keep it on and when I come across something I like I buy the cd, so my edifying-music-in-Christ library is growing.

The more I listen to this music, the more I love it and the more I hate CCM!

lei-kjvonly 02-26-2008 09:11 PM

I gotcha now Jerry. that's a good point.



DarlovesJesus 02-27-2008 08:42 PM

Bravo on this topic! I agree with Jerry that it is the music of the world with the label "Christian" attached.

May I also bring up another topic? Matthew 10:8...............freely ye have received, freely give. Am I to understand that this means that these ccm's are not to charge for their music? Not just ccm's but anyone that is making money off of Christianity? Merchandising Christianity? I may not be understanding that correctly.

jerry 02-27-2008 09:09 PM

I believe that verse is talking about freely preaching the Good news of salvation. It does not say man cannot earn a living - but that we are not to profit off of the truth. If I write a book or commentary and sell it at cost or a bit above cost to make a living, that is not wrong - if I am suckering people for money or grossly inflating the worth of something, then that is wrong.

chette777 02-28-2008 05:51 AM

Well a cahnged life style should show forth in a changed life. we are not saved to tatoo, peirce and play music that would be detrimental to God or Christ. sinning Christians music i.e. sandi Patti should not be listened to. anything worldly needs to be set aside and stick to spiritual and hymns written by people who are not only led but guided by, possed by and yielded to the Holy Spirit.

all others are carnal. Carnality is outside the will of God for a Christians life. spirituality is in the will of God.

lei-kjvonly 02-28-2008 10:33 AM

some people tell me that ccm is good Christian music. They also say "who are you to say that those composers are not right with God." I personally have not looked at any of the composers backgrounds. It's like they don't understand that God has certain requirements on how you should worship Him. It's not just the words that matter but also the music. Because I believe all music contains certain spirirts. The question is does ccm invite a immoral spirit? I believe it does. What scripture do some of you know of that outline some music standards?

jerry 02-28-2008 11:42 AM

Here is something you might appreciate: The Lord Is My Song - dealing more with the content than the style of music.

Jot&Tittle 02-28-2008 02:13 PM

What about God?
What about the kind of music God likes? I believe the Bible speaks to this, has anybody studied it out?

If you look you will discover that almost all of the verses that deal with individuals or small groups singing and making music states that it should be "unto the Lord" or "to the Lord". This should draw one to conclude that music and singing is for the Lord, not for us.

The Apostle Paul:
Ephesians 5:19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;

Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

The more I look at the music issue the bigger it gets. Here is a test: talk to the average Christian or lost person about the Bible issue and you'll mostly get indifference. Just suggest to those same people that the music they listen to might not please God and see what happens. Do not proceed lightly!


Pastor Mikie 02-28-2008 02:21 PM

Jerry, I really am offended you calling charismatics a cult (I'm assuming you mean Pentecostals as well). Is everyone who might disagree on a non-salvific doctrine a cult? I'm just as much a Born-Again believer as you are. I got saved the same way you did. I would appreciate you not insulting me by saying I belong to a cult. I don't say you are a member of a cult because you don't believe tongues is for today.

Beth 02-28-2008 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Pastor Mikie (Post 1012)
Jerry, I really am offended you calling charismatics a cult (I'm assuming you mean Pentecostals as well). Is everyone who might disagree on a non-salvific doctrine a cult? I'm just as much a Born-Again believer as you are. I got saved the same way you did. I would appreciate you not insulting me by saying I belong to a cult. I don't say you are a member of a cult because you don't believe tongues is for today.

I just looked through the thread and the article Jerry posted. Where did he call Charismatics a cult? I must have missed something??:confused:

Pastor Mikie 02-28-2008 03:14 PM

Beth, the 2nd post on this thread...listing charismatics with cults like New Age etc.

jerry 02-28-2008 04:06 PM

I didn't say nor imply charismatics were a cult (though there certainly are groups within that spectrum that fit the bill - such as those that teach Oneness doctrine, Prosperity Gospel) - what I did say is that they teach false doctrine. Be offended if you want (I am not going to change my views just because you are a pentecostal or charismatic - I make no apology for firmly standing against false teachings - see Psalm 119:104, 128) - but make sure you are getting offended at what I actually said.

Jot&Tittle 02-28-2008 04:11 PM

Charismatics aren't cults?:eek:

2 Timothy 4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Webster's 1828: FABLE, v.i.

1. To feign; to write fiction.

Vain now the tales which fabling poets tell.

2. To tell falsehoods; as, he fables not.

What do you think the "perfect" in this verse represents?
1 Corinthians 13:10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.


Beth 02-28-2008 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by jerry (Post 1021)
I didn't say nor imply charismatics were a cult (though there certainly are groups within that spectrum that fit the bill - such as those that teach Oneness doctrine, Prosperity Gospel) - what I did say is that they teach false doctrine. Be offended if you want (I am not going to change my views just because you are a pentecostal or charismatic - I make no apology for firmly standing against false teachings - see Psalm 119:104, 128) - but make sure you are getting offended at what I actually said.

That makes sense!


Psalms 118:8 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
Men will always be offended as they see through a glass, darkly. We should only be concerned if God is offended.

Pastor Mikie 02-28-2008 07:32 PM

Charismatics aren't cults?

I guess this is a good time to just leave it alone. To disagree is one thing. I'll accept Jerry's explaination as a strong dissagreement with the "gifts of the Spirit" issue (I don't believe in the Oneness doctrine or hyper-faith movement). However, Jot&Tittle has implied by his response that Pentecostals (charismatics) are not saved. That's a shame. I hope you really don't think people will miss Heaven because they speak in tongues.

Jot&Tittle 02-28-2008 09:27 PM

Sorry, but way too many charismatics tell me they received the Holy Ghost when they spoke in tongues. In addition, all indicate they can lose their salvation. Whatever they got was not what I got. I know thats not real theologically deep, however some things are better left plainly said.

Jot&Tittle 02-28-2008 09:30 PM

No comment?

What do you think the "perfect" in this verse represents?
1 Corinthians 13:10 But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.


Beth 02-29-2008 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Pastor Mikie (Post 1033)
I hope you really don't think people will miss Heaven because they speak in tongues.

I think the problem comes in when Charismatics say that you must have a second blessing of the Holy Spirit which is only evidenced by speaking in tongues.

Some may even depend on tongues speaking for salvation.

When a person is saved, they receive the Holy Spirit. The main role of the Holy Spirit is to give the believer the power to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, we receive the Holy Spirit. This is a done deal. Sanctification is a process. A true believer will be sanctified. What does tongues have to do with salvation, nothing.

Speaking in tongues was a sign to the Jews.

Isaiah 28:11-12 For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear.
Speaking in tongues was the miraculous ability to speak in a foreign language that they did not know. Is that what you are talking about when you say you speak in tongues? Or are you repeating repetitious babbling? I know many that were in Charismatic Churches and they all say the same thing that there is much peer pressure to repeat these babblings? This is not scriptural. I've heard these things and they would be very easy to repeat. although, I would not be able to speak in a foreign language without first learning the language. That would be miraculous!

Acts 2:6-7 Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language. And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans?

Pastor Mikie 02-29-2008 06:38 AM

No sense in replying here. You are definitely hostile to the whole issue. So, be blessed and "give'm Heaven!"

PS: I expressed what I thought about 1st Corinthians 13:8-10 in an earlier post.

lei-kjvonly 02-29-2008 08:34 AM

Again as I said in an earlier post, in 1 Corinthians 13 "that which is perfect" I believe is the Word of God. Really what would be the purpose of tounges today? If they are for a sign then why do we need the Word of God. Isn't that the Bible's job to show people the truth. I firmly believe that when the originals texts were finished being written that tounges ceased and they are no longer needed today.

Even if they were possible today, the way many people practice it is unbiblical.

#1) 1Co 14:27 If any man speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the most by three, and that by course; and let one interpret.
1Co 14:28 But if there be no interpreter, let him keep silence in the church; and let him speak to himself, and to God.

I know there are many out there that have more than three get up there and babble, sometimes there is no interpreter. It just leaves the congregation thinking about how spiritual that preacher is. It also specifies let one interpret. I know that sometimes people will have three people "speaking in tounges" and three people "interpreting." According to scripture this is unbiblical.

#2) 1Co 14:34 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.
1Co 14:35 And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

I know for sure that many go haywire with this one. It's plain to understand from scripture that it is not biblical to have women speak in tounges.

These are God's viewpoints on how tounges were to be carried out IN THE DAY. They are no longer needed. Tell one thing that tounges accomplish that the Word of God can't accomplish.

DarlovesJesus 02-29-2008 02:52 PM

There is a woman I know that goes to "Church of Christ". They do not allow any form of musical instruments in the church. They sing without the instruments. I don't fully agree with that (nor some of their doctrine). I think somewhere in the Bible it talks about harps and another form of musical instrument. . . So I see no need to eliminate all forms of musical instruments.......but in my opinion we don't need to hear the beat...beat...beating of drums.
As someone else mentioned, it brings back memories of the past when we lived in the flesh....drugs, alcohol, rock~n~roll. Every time I put a Christian radio station on and hear this contemporary trash I want to vomit. It reminds me so much of my younger days when I did all those fleshly things. I know not all agree with me and that does not matter. What does matter is would God listen to this so called "Christian" rock music? Really, would He?
Does anyone listen to the lyrics to some of these so called Christian songs? Some never mention Jesus, God or the Bible. Where is God in that?

DarlovesJesus 02-29-2008 03:49 PM

I wanted to share what I found on the web earlier today. It's a bit lengthy and I don't agree with all of the content. However, this article makes some real good points from a Biblical perspective. What's Wrong with Christian Rock/Rap?

by David J. Stewart

John the Baptist was beheaded by Herod for speaking our uncompromisingly against Herod's adulterous affair with Herod's brother's wife (Herodias). Herodias hated John so much that she wanted him dead, and that's exactly what happened (Matthew 14:1-11). The early church were faithful witnesses of the Truth of God's Word. As a result people were getting saved, and the idol makers were losing business. In anger, the idol makers almost killed Paul (Acts 19:27 and 30, "So that not only this our craft is in danger to be set at nought; but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence should be destroyed, whom all Asia and the world worshippeth ... And when Paul would have entered in unto the people, the disciples suffered him not." Paul was severely beaten in Acts 21:32. He was eventually beheaded by Nero. Stephen was stoned to death in Acts Chapter 7. James was beheaded in Acts Chapter 12. These early Christians were HATED of the world; not followed and admired. Jesus had forewarned them of this in John 15:19, "If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you."

Compare this, in contrast, to today's milquetoast believer who rarely stands for anything. I dare you to go to ANY so-called "Christian" rocker or rapper's website and show me the simple plan of salvation, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You cannot! The reason is because they are of the world, and the world follows them. This is why professed "Christian" rock-n-roll bands like P.O.D., Mercy Me, and Third Day have all appeared on the godless TONIGHT SHOW with Jay Leno. Do you think they would invite John the Baptist and allow him to preach on the TONIGHT SHOW? No way! James 4:4 plainly teaches that to be "a friend" of the world is to become God's enemy. The Greek word for "friend" in this Scripture means "to assist." Thus, to assist the world, in any capacity, makes us God's enemy because we are then helping the Devil. Much of the CCM (Contemporary Christian Music) on the market is worldly trash, and not "Christian" by any standards. Christian rock/rap "assist" the Devil by drawing young people away from the Lord. Please don't miss what I'm about to say. There is NO such thing as "Christians rock." It may be "religious rock"; but, it is certainly not Christian. You can't repacked rock-n-roll music and label it as being "Christian," just as you can't repackage witchcraft (which is all that Harry Potter is -- witchcraft repackaged). Witchcraft is sinful, no matter what form it appears as; likewise, rock music is sinful, no matter in what form it appears. I want to make 2 observations about Christian rock and rap:

Secular musicians readily admit that IT IS THE MUSIC ITSELF THAT IS DEMONIC, not necessarily the words...
During a 1993 Oprah Winfrey interview, Michael Jackson, explained the reason for some of his filthy sexual gestures during his concerts:

"It happens subliminally. IT'S THE MUSIC THAT COMPELS ME TO DO IT. You don't think about it, it just happens. I'M SLAVE TO THE RHYTHM."
(The Evening Star, Feb. 11, 1993, p. A10)

Nothing about the lyrics! It's the MUSIC!

How can the Holy Spirit of the Bible use such wicked, fleshly music!

Regardless of the lyrics!

Religious Rock/Rap music becomes a spiritual end in itself for most listeners. There's not enough comprehendible Bible doctrine in most CCM to edify anyone. It's all about the flesh. Most CCM appeals to the flesh. The use of religious terms and phrases here and there aren't enough to lead anyone to Christ. Every Catholic, Jehovah's Witness, Church of Christ, United Church of Christ, Mormon, Lutheran, Seventh Day Adventist, and other cults--believe that Jesus died on the cross (but they ADD something to faith alone in Christ). The Christian Rock/Rap being sold to the public as "Christian" is religious rubbish. Despite the artist's claims that people are coming to God through their music, people are not coming to Christ to be BORN AGAIN; they're coming to religion in the name of Christ. There's a BIG difference! There are tens-of-millions of people coming to religion in the name of Christ; but they've never been BORN AGAIN by the incorruptible Word of God. 1st Peter 1:23 states, "Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever." Most Catholics claim to be "born again"; but they cannot be born again through their churches' traditions. They have been deceived by the Vatican and their priests. Jesus confirmed this in Mark 7:13, "Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition..." Traditions are manmade doctrines. Catholics don't follow the Word of God; therefore, how can they be born again is lieu of the plain teaching of 1st peter 1:23. If you don't recognize the Bible as God's Word, then the Lake of Fire WILL one day be your eternal prison.

Christian Rock/Rap music is made for the children of IGNORANT Christian parents. Why ignorant? Many professed Christian parents have the silly mentality that it's better for their teen to listen to Stryper , KUTLESS, Petra, or TobyMac; than to listen to Iron Maiden, or Van Halen. The truth is that no Christian teen should listen to EITHER. If you have no control over what your teen listens to; then you are a wimp, and a failure, as a parent. I'll tell you what, it will be a cold day in Hell before any child of mine will disobey me. I set the rules, and they keep them...period! There's no if, ands, or buts about it.

Christian Rock inoculates it's listeners. In other words, just as a vaccine is administered to prevent someone from getting the real thing, so does Christian rock inoculate it's listeners by giving them just enough religion to keep them from the Truth of God's Word. Satan loves all the religious talk, just don't mention the Truth of God's Word. The Truth friend, is that ANYONE who teaches that the sacrament of "holy baptism" or "holy communion" brings the forgiveness of sins is a LIAR! Martin Luther was a liar! The Lutheran Church lies to people! The Pope is a liar! The Council of Trent were a bunch of liars! The Catholic Church lies to people! Salvation can only happen by faith ALONE in Jesus, the Christ. This is because it was Jesus Who shed His precious blood to pay for our sins (Colossians 1:14; Hebrews 9:22-24; 1st John 1:7; Revelation 7:14). Salvation is a FREE GIFT (Romans 5:15), which is NOT conditional on anything we can do. We need only believe upon Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour. Will you receive Christ now?

John 1:12,13 states, "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." The "blood" in John 1:13 speaks of our natural birth; hence, no one is born saved. Some Jewish people think they are born saved, simply because they're Jewish; but that is a lie (Romans 3:10,23). Nothing done in the flesh can save us. Nothing done by the will of man can save us. There is only one way to be saved--God. John 6:40 tells us that God's will is "...that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life..." This wishy-washy, pantywaist, milquetoast, ear-tickling, back-scratching, gospeless, deadbeat, persecutionless, worldly, so-called "Christianity" professed by nearly all CCM artists makes God sick!!! Whatever happened to 2nd Timothy 3:12, "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." Take another good look at John the Baptist's head if you want to see what real Christianity is about. There is something very wrong, phony, and synthetic about today's Christian music artists/producers. I will stand uncompromisingly against it, and so should you!
The Apostle Paul declares in Galatians 4:16, "Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" It's ironic, I receive many hateful e-mails from professed "Christian" rockers who criticize me for preaching the Word of God. The Bible clearly teaches that believers in Christ are to COME OUT of the heathen world (2nd Corinthians 6:14-17). I believe one of the main reason why professed Christians won't REPENT of their religious rock-n-roll/rap is because they're NOT Christians at all. They have religion without Truth, Churchianity without Christianity. And let me say, the Christian country music scene today is just as grim. Many professed "Christians" in the Christian country music business are NOT saved. This is evidenced clearly when we see Johnny Cash singing songs by Satanist Glen Danzig. Although Dolly Parton has sang her share of Gospel songs, she also recently sang Led Zeppelin's demonic STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN on her album. Tragically, this is what Christianity in America has come to. Should it be surprising that Christianity Today would be promoting Harry Potter's witchcraft? Not at all. Religious rock is demonic, as is ALL rock music. The music itself is evil. The people who sing and produce the music are NOT living Christ-honoring separated lives from the world. God commands us to EXPOSE the works of darkness, not repackage them to make lots of money (Ephesians 5:11). Religious rockers/rappers are raking in hundreds-of-millions of dollars for the industry. They have all sold their souls to Satan and are reprobate enemies of God. Bible Christianity, if practiced properly, will make you extremely UNPOPULAR with the world, just as it did John the Baptist, and the early Christians in the Book of Acts.

Pastor Mikie 03-01-2008 09:21 AM

The good thing about Christian music, there's plenty of variety to satisfy every taste. However, saying more than what the Bible says about music and then deciding that is God's view is a little arrogant. There are no intrinsically evil instruments, beats, chord progressions, etc. Music is neutral. There are evil people and spirits out there that influence music. When the devil fell (became the devil), music fell, but not all music. God is more creative than that.

Drums aren't evil (Psalm 150). Any kind of music that causes people to have ungodly thoughts and do ungodly things, yes the Bible says that is sin. It isn't always the music's fault, though. The listener can have lustful thought no matter what kind of music is playing. When rhythmic music is playing, a baby's first instinct is to bounce up and down. People have to be taught to do the hip-swaying and other kinds of "dancing". No one came out of the womb doing the twist (etc.). They have to learn it and emulate it.

I hate it when women are on the church platform leading music and their attire is lewd. The music can be lovely with lyrics that glorify God and they ruin the whole thing because they are drawing attention to their "uniqueness". Then there are women who are 1st timothy 2:9 type of modest leading music with a full band (drums included) using back beats that some people get offended at that praises God and there is no lascivious behaviour going on. The attention isn't on them.

If you had a past involved in something that was sinful and something in the way of music brings back the memories of those days, don't blame the music unless the lyrical content and the musicians are truly guilty.

If you don't like a certain style of music, then don't listen to it. Don't hide behind your personal preferences and say you speak for God on the issue.

I did a concert at a church and started doing hymns and a man got up and walked out because I wasn't doing what he liked (Vineyard Music).

Opera music seems to always be about tragic romance. Is it the music's fault or is it the people and lyrical content that are to blame? When people dance in skimpy form-fitting tights at a ballet should we "ban" all classical music or put the blame where it belongs, on the performers and choreographers?

There are around 800 verses about music in the Bible and nowhere is there anything that states music as the evil.

Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Calling a style of music or a musical instrument evil is like calling a specific kind of hammer evil. Every kind of hammer can either build or destroy (and even kill). But the blame or accolades should be placed on the person using the hammer and not the hammer itself. The same with music.

Psalms has no melodies or harmonies listed. Why? Because it is the lyrics that are the focal point. Motives, lyrics and the spirits behind the evils that occur in music are to blame.

jerry 03-01-2008 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Pastor Mikie (Post 1132)
There are no intrinsically evil instruments, beats, chord progressions, etc. Music is neutral. There are evil people and spirits out there that influence music...

There are many solid Christians and many people who study out music who believe the rock backbeat IS evil in itself.


Drums aren't evil (Psalm 150).
Sorry, don't see drums in the Bible. A timbrel is the same as a tambourine.


Calling a style of music or a musical instrument evil is like calling a specific kind of hammer evil. Every kind of hammer can either build or destroy (and even kill). But the blame or accolades should be placed on the person using the hammer and not the hammer itself. The same with music.
Faulty analogy - a good comparison would be saying no notes in themselves are evil - but to teach that no style of music is evil in itself is not right. There is worldly/fleshly music.

Pastor Mikie 03-01-2008 10:17 AM

The fact other Christians esteem the "back-beat" as evil doesn't mean the Bible does. As with you, I have the Scriptures as my final authority.

There are no piano's mentioned specifically either. So, not all instruments are mentioned, but most "instrument families" are and that should suffice.

I believe my "faulty analogy" is not so faulty. What makes music worldly/fleshly? Is it the music itself or the composer/arranger/performer/spirit behind it?

Pastor Mikie 03-01-2008 10:32 AM

My point isn't to just be right. My goal is to not have people get into bondage over the music issue. My wife when she was first saved was "taught" as others have stated in this thread. So, she thought she could only listen to "maranatha" music. She was in bondage.

Having someone get all ugly at me for using a certain rhythm, chord progression or some other nonsense is quite annoying. I know I can't please everyone. The annoying part isn't that they didn't like it. The annoying part is that they thought they were speaking for God in rebuking me and calling me names besides.

Galatians 2:4 And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage:

I know some will tell me this verse is in the context of those who came into the Galatian Church to make them live under the law. That is true, but the principal is the same regarding the subject of music.

For many years, some churches have taught that it was a sin to go to the movie theatre. It was the contents of the movie and other goings-on that was sinful, not the building or the medium itself.

DarlovesJesus 03-02-2008 06:35 AM

Pastor Mikie;

You state: The good thing about Christian music, there's plenty of variety to satisfy every taste.

I state: We shouldn't be looking to satisfy our taste for music, we should be looking to satifsy our taste for the Word of God and pleasing Him, not our flesh. Music pleases the flesh.

I have attended many a church that spends 45 minutes to an hour playing their CCM. Pastor preaches for maybe 20 to thirty minutes. Somewhere along the line they have gotten it all backwards. I'm not disagreeing with prayer and praises to our King~don't get me wrong. However, no wonder so many Christians can't walk the walk, because they are dancing the dance.

You are a music composer and arranger/gospel musician. No wonder you feel the way you do about CCM.

I rest my case.

Pastor Mikie 03-02-2008 09:35 AM

Music is a tool for God's creation (humans, angels etc.) to worship Him. I believe the Bible teaches that. All you've expressed is your opinion, and I'll accept that. Your last sentence was an unsubstantiated insult. You don't know me and jumped to a conclusion based on my profession.

FYI: I think most "CCM" is garbage. A lot of it sounds like the song was written for the sake of writing a song. Lot's is motivated by money. Lot's of it is fame and fortune like the world. However, the principal I'm expressing is: saying it is evil because of the rhythm, chord progressions and sequence of notes is not accurate. That's like the phone company blaming their computer for an error. It isn't the computer's fault. It is the fault of the person(s) who entered in the information (unless the computer just broke or something). The same is true of music. People do music, therefore it is people who make it good or bad.

So, your last sentence on your posting (DarlovesJesus) was made out of prejudice, not knowledge. So you rested your case on an assumption.

lei-kjvonly 03-02-2008 11:03 PM

I agree with you Pastor Mikie that music in and of itself is not bad, it's the person involved as to how its written. Another good example is, many people think guns are bad because we have alot of murders, robberies, ect. but it's not the gun that is bad it's the person behind the gun that is the problem. So yes Pastor Mikie I agree with you on this viewpoint.


Biblestudent 03-03-2008 04:07 AM

I think I got this from one of Dr. Garlock's lectures, if I remembered right. "Music" is a combination of notes. A note is simply a tone, and it is that which is amoral. Therefore, "music" CANNOT be amoral. It had to either be GOOD or BAD, depending on its combination or arrangement.

DarlovesJesus 03-03-2008 05:45 AM

I did not intend to offend you. I was stating a fact. Your profession is music. You are defending your music. That is all.

Pastor Mikie 03-03-2008 09:52 AM

DarlovesJesus, I would also wish to state that I DO NOT support the CCM industry. There is a lot of corruption, manipulation and life ruining aspects to it. There is a big movement away from it where musicians can be independent of the major CCM industry.

As a musician, I desire to glorify God, draw people to Jesus and edify His church.

I've done music in various venues where there were many different musical tastes. I got their attention with the music, and lead them to Jesus preaching the Word. In churches, I preached with the music, lead them into worship with the music and praised and glorified my Lord with the music. Some was fast, some was slow, some was "jazzy", some was with back-beats (beats 2 & 4), some orchestral, some that was humourous, etc.

This isn't a new technique. The Salvation Army used it (still does). They've re-written many popular songs with Gospel lyrics. The Wesley's did the same thing. The song "Revive Us Again" is a re-written song entitled "Hallelujah, I'm a Bum".

That's where I'm coming from. A person would be hard pressed to find music that doesn't use "back-beats". Many of the Gaither's songs uses it. "Something Beautiful", "Because He Lives" and lots of other songs of theirs have "back-beats" in them. I really don't think those songs are evil because of that.

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