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Greektim 05-06-2009 08:53 AM

Sam Gipp's degree
Where did he recieve his ThD? I am very curious. Was it from Ruckman's school?

George 05-06-2009 10:12 AM

Re: "Sam Gipp's degree"

Originally Posted by Greektim (Post 19273)
Where did he recieve his ThD? I am very curious. Was it from Ruckman's school?


I wonder where Peter, James, and John got their "degree"? Where did Paul & Apollos "matriculate" and get their "degree"? Where did the Lord Jesus Christ get His "degree"? Hmmm? What difference does it make WHERE someone got his "degree" or whether he even has a "degree" or not? Hmmm?

Are only those with people with "degrees" QUALIFIED to teach and preach God's word? Are only those people with "degrees" to be listened to and all of the rest of the men whom God has called (without "degrees") to be ignored?

Do you know what Paul thought about his "degree"?

Philippians 3:7 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.
8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,

I'm not going to give you the "modern translation" for what Paul "thought" about his "degree", but I will say that your snobbish, intellectual, and elitist approach to God's Holy word and to God's people is enough to turn my stomach! :eek:


"Where did he recieve his ThD? I am very curious. Was it from Ruckman's school?"
WHO CARES? The question is: Is he preaching and teaching SOUND DOCTRINE? Is he a faithful minister of the Holy things of God? Is he an "example" of what a servant of the most high God should be? NOT - "WHERE DID HE RECEIVE HIS ThD"! It's too bad that you are not as CONCERNED about the TRUTH, as you are "CURIOUS" about about the QUALIFICATIONS of a minister of God! :mad:

If the Apostles were here would you ask that question about them? If the Lord Jesus Christ were here would you dare to question His "QUALIFICATIONS" - like the PHARISEES (before you) DID? :confused:

I'd advise you to get off of "your high horse", and take a good look at yourself: :(

Romans 12:3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think;but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

Greektim 05-06-2009 10:22 AM

Talk about false accusations...

If Sam Gipp's degree didn't matter, then it would not be next to his name repeatedly on his website.

I am a very curious person. It gets me into trouble at times. But I don't see any problem w/ being curious about where he recieved his degree. You speak before you even understodd where I was coming from. YOu judged me without knowing my motives. Amazing how I can be rebuked for being inquisitive. I guess I should have prefaced my question as honest so as to avoid this. I don't know much about Gipp, so one way to learn about him is to see where he did his formal training. No big deal.

Bro. Parrish 05-06-2009 10:26 AM

FWIW, here's what Bro. Gipp has to say about Bro. Ruckman...

JOHN G 05-06-2009 10:47 AM

Greetings GreekTim,
I assume you are the author, "Tim", of the website link below your name. In the profile of that name is seven sentences. Here is one:
"I am extremely against the KJV only view. "

Is this you? Correct me if I am wrong.

In Christ

Greektim 05-06-2009 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by JOHN G (Post 19284)
Greetings GreekTim,
I assume you are the author, "Tim", of the website link below your name. In the profile of that name is seven sentences. Here is one:
"I am extremely against the KJV only view. "

Is this you? Correct me if I am wrong.

In Christ

I don't mind answering questions...in fact...I would love to discuss my views. But I just want this thread to stay focused on my question. I searched the net and cannot find my answer. I was hoping to find some help here.

Your answer, yes, that is me.

peopleoftheway 05-06-2009 11:05 AM

I am afraid Tim presents himself as one of the many people we get joining the forum on a weekly basis, who have no intention of discussing the Bible, scripture, the grievous ERROR of modern versions through corrupt, philosophy leavened texts or indeed anything with us, but rather here to push "the greek" or scholarly wisdom and letters after mens names.

God gave me a Book, one book, to study and learn from, not from texts and ancient manuscripts.

1 Corinthians 2:4 And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:
1 Corinthians 2:5 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.

I am so blessed to have these letters after my name

Steven Monahan. B O R N A G A I N

Greektim 05-06-2009 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by peopleoftheway (Post 19287)
I am afraid Tim presents himself as one of the many people we get joining the forum on a weekly basis, who have no intention of discussing the Bible, scripture, the grievous ERROR of modern versions through corrupt, philosophy leavened texts or indeed anything with us, but rather here to push "the greek" or scholarly wisdom and letters after mens names.

God gave me a Book, one book, to study and learn from, not from texts and ancient manuscripts.

1 Corinthians 2:4 And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power:
1 Corinthians 2:5 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.

I am so blessed to have these letters after my name

Steven Monahan. B O R N A G A I N

Again this has nothing to do w/ the topic of this thread, but...

I don't know that i have presented myself in such a way, Steven. I asked a question. That doesn't present anything about me other than I am curious and inquisitive.

I do hope to be "discussing the Bible, scripture, the grievous ERROR of modern versions through corrupt, philosophy leavened texts or indeed anything with us." I just had a question and wanted to know. I thought this might be a good place to find out. I am sure many of you know Dr. Gipp or at least about him.

peopleoftheway 05-06-2009 11:24 AM


Can I ask why you joined this forum? You by your own admission from your website are
"extremely against the KJV only view. "
Now from the get go we on this forum can see your agenda, you are not here to discuss anything, but you are here to try and persuade a group of Born again Bible believers that their choice of One Book is wrong.

Absolutely NO amount of "greek", "scholarly" input nor humanistic reasoning will ever persuade me that the Lord hasn't preserved his word, for us, today, IN ONE PLACE, in one book, the KJB. If you desire to continue the fruitless study of "Greek manuscripts and underlying texts" that is you perogative.
I know that as a young man (well youngish) I pray to stand and fight the good fight with a sharp sword in my hand, not a flimsy handful of texts or a garden spade modern version. I am armoured up to fight for Christ, not dressed down with ecumenical compromise and weak weapons of apostate nature.

1 Timothy 1:17-19 Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare; Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck:

Greektim 05-06-2009 11:29 AM

I am here so that iron can sharpen iron.


Now from the get go we on this forum can see your agenda, you are not here to discuss anything, but you are here to try and persuade a group of Born again Bible believers that their choice of One Book is wrong.
I have not presented an agenda thus far. I have not even tried to persuade anyone saved or unsaved about a choice of One Book. I have jumped into discussions and tried to start some as well. So while I appreciate your zeal for what you hold to be true, you are falsely accusing me of something that I have not done.

Now by all means, pick me apart, pick my views apart. But let's do it on another thread. My morbid curiosity is getting to me. Can we restrict posts to the issue of the OP? Please???

peopleoftheway 05-06-2009 11:50 AM

Tim from your website

"I am extremely against the KJV only view."

How is that not an indication to us of your agenda? are you here to be led into the truth, that God HAS preserved his words in just one book? Or are you here to show us that he hasn't? which is it.
I certainly wouldn't be "on your case" or "picking your views apart" if you were not entirely sure about "which Bible" or not convinced "in your own mind" of where God has preserved his word. But in all evidence from your website you have "made up your mind" on these matters and any discussion with us is most certainly not going to change your course on the matter.
Which leads to the question
"Is your posting going to be edifying or profitable?"

Proverbs 27:17 Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

Advocating any modern version or its underlying text on this forum my Friend is never going to sharpen my countenance

1 Corinthians 2:12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
1 Corinthians 2:13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

BornAgainBibleBeliever514 05-06-2009 12:23 PM

Asking where someone got their degree is such an old, flimsey attempt to undermine something a teacher puts forth that they don't like.

They tried to do it to Kent Hovind, for example. They just plain couldn't deal with his facts and rock-solid position against evolution, so they would resort to ad-hominem attacks about where he got his degree.

Personally, I don't know where Gipp got his degree, and couldn't care less, the man is sharp, smart, and tears up humanistic textual criticism in any form. Nobody can counter the truth.

Pro 21:30 There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD.

And, posting a link to your website that clearly outlines your stance, you should expect that a bunch of zealous Internet-using Christians would check it out. Your agenda was stated when you wrote your signiature.

JOHN G 05-06-2009 12:59 PM

Acts 4:13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.

kittn1 05-06-2009 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by JOHN G (Post 19296)
Acts 4:13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.


1Co*2:5 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.

pbiwolski 05-06-2009 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Greektim (Post 19273)
Where did he recieve his ThD? I am very curious. Was it from Ruckman's school?

I recall Dr. Ruckman speaking once of the few doctorate degrees he has issued. As far as I know, Dr. Gipp did receive it from Dr. Ruckman primarily for this reason...


But if it's your business to undermine his belief in the King James Bible, don't bother. I've seen your "stuff", and it doesn't compare. In plainer words, you can't touch him.

Brother Tim 05-06-2009 01:45 PM

Okay, Okay, Okay! Enough already!

I admit it. I printed a Th.D degree for Bro. Sam in trade for an autographed copy of his book, Gipp's Understandable History of the Bible, and a freedom tote bag! Satisfied?


Greektim 05-06-2009 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by BornAgainBibleBeliever514 (Post 19292)
Asking where someone got their degree is such an old, flimsey attempt to undermine something a teacher puts forth that they don't like.

They tried to do it to Kent Hovind, for example. They just plain couldn't deal with his facts and rock-solid position against evolution, so they would resort to ad-hominem attacks about where he got his degree.

Personally, I don't know where Gipp got his degree, and couldn't care less, the man is sharp, smart, and tears up humanistic textual criticism in any form. Nobody can counter the truth.

Pro 21:30 There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the LORD.

And, posting a link to your website that clearly outlines your stance, you should expect that a bunch of zealous Internet-using Christians would check it out. Your agenda was stated when you wrote your signiature.

Just so you know, I was not seeking to undermind Dr. Gipp in the least by his degree or where it came from. I am sure he had to work hard for it. I would never seek to undermind such a thing. I am just CURIOUS. I do not think that is a sin, although the way I have been attacked for asking one might think otherwise.

YOu speak of Dr. Hovind as if I detest him and his degree too. It seems you are lumping me incorrectly with other non-KJVO's that you have met. I have bought all of Hovind's 7 disc series as well as one of his debates. I enjoy listening to Dr. Hovind. In fact, I had my youth group watch some of his videos. In other words, I used his materials for ministry (shock!!!).

Greektim 05-06-2009 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by pbiwolski (Post 19299)
I recall Dr. Ruckman speaking once of the few doctorate degrees he has issued. As far as I know, Dr. Gipp did receive it from Dr. Ruckman primarily for this reason...


But if it's your business to undermine his belief in the King James Bible, don't bother. I've seen your "stuff", and it doesn't compare. In plainer words, you can't touch him.

Well thank you for keeping me humble, sir. These statements are the reasons I want to know more about Dr. Gipp. I'd be the first to admit that he & Dr. Ruckman have a higher i.q. than myself. If he is as good as you say, then I want to know where he got the education he got. Maybe I would seek the same thing. But since I can only get negativity and critical attacks, I will never know.

PS - I don't think you really have seen my "stuff" (Matt. 7:20). That is, unless you visited my church...

Bro. Parrish 05-06-2009 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Brother Tim (Post 19300)
Okay, Okay, Okay! Enough already!

I admit it. I printed a Th.D degree for Bro. Sam in trade for an autographed copy of his book, Gipp's Understandable History of the Bible, and a freedom tote bag! Satisfied?


LOL, I once heard Bro. Ruckman say "putting a doctorate on me was like putting whipped cream on an onion." Bro Tim, I sent you a PM by the way...

Greektim 05-06-2009 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish (Post 19303)
LOL, I once heard Bro. Ruckman say putting a doctorate on him was like putting whipped cream on an onion. Bro Tim, I sent you a PM by the way...

So does that mean that Dr. Gipp recieved his degree from Pensacola Bible Institute?

Bro. Parrish 05-06-2009 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by Greektim (Post 19304)
So does that mean that Dr. Gipp recieved his degree from Pensacola Bible Institute?

Actually Ruckman was speaking about himself. (see my edited post)
I gave you a link to Gipp's site, why not contact him if you're that curious... then again you could always sign up at Ruckman's school if you really want a Bible education. :)

Fredoheaven 05-06-2009 03:39 PM

In a wrong thread

Originally Posted by Greektim (Post 19288)
Again this has nothing to do w/ the topic of this thread, but...

I don't know that i have presented myself in such a way, Steven. I asked a question. That doesn't present anything about me other than I am curious and inquisitive.

I do hope to be "discussing the Bible, scripture, the grievous ERROR of modern versions through corrupt, philosophy leavened texts or indeed anything with us." I just had a question and wanted to know. I thought this might be a good place to find out. I am sure many of you know Dr. Gipp or at least about him.


I guess you are in the wrong thread where you post this. You are in the thread Bible version. This is no way of studying "Theological issues" and I see no profit at all to this kind of your post. Who cares anyway, if you have website full of information but against the Word of God. :D:D:D.

Brother Tim 05-06-2009 03:39 PM

If GT can make it through the gauntlet of this forum and still have some hair and hide left, I'll give him a Th.D too. :D

You meanies that keep picking on him about his "extreme" position, take a look at his picture! He's a BABY still. Wet behind the ears and green top-to-bottom. He'll wake up one day and realize that the degrees really don't matter all that much, unless one is intending to turn them into cash or men's praise. My father always downplayed his Th.D, though it was a very tough process to complete for him as a pastor of a small church with little income or time.

GT has roots in the KJB. One day he will see the truth. I feel confident about that. That change will be delayed by the beatings, however. Brethren! Smile, shake his hand, pat him on the shoulder, and let him know you love his fervor. Then if you feel the need to, pop him on the back of the head when he's not looking. :p

Fredoheaven 05-06-2009 03:47 PM

then well, I have to bow and pray for him...It's not yet the end of his road. GT, I will be praying for you...

Bro. Parrish 05-06-2009 03:59 PM

Greektim, things can get a bit harsh here sometimes. I want to encourage you to keep learning and seeking God's truth, I do hope you will do as Bro. Tim has suggested and return to your roots in the KJB. :)

peopleoftheway 05-06-2009 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by Brother Tim (Post 19307)
If GT can make it through the gauntlet of this forum and still have some hair and hide left, I'll give him a Th.D too. :D

You meanies that keep picking on him about his "extreme" position, take a look at his picture! He's a BABY still. Wet behind the ears and green top-to-bottom. He'll wake up one day and realize that the degrees really don't matter all that much, unless one is intending to turn them into cash or men's praise. My father always downplayed his Th.D, though it was a very tough process to complete for him as a pastor of a small church with little income or time.

GT has roots in the KJB. One day he will see the truth. I feel confident about that. That change will be delayed by the beatings, however. Brethren! Smile, shake his hand, pat him on the shoulder, and let him know you love his fervor. Then if you feel the need to, pop him on the back of the head when he's not looking. :p

Brother Tim, you of all people should know that anything said to Tim is a rebuke of posts that come within a wiff of promoting "the greek" and theology to correct the Bible. It is hard to not "pick apart" anyone who joins and from their own website says they are extremely against what we believe.
However, by the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ I will give Tim the benefit of the doubt, and see where his posts lead him, Yes he is young, but that is even more troubling for me, I am 10 years older and I want to be saying to my Brothers In Christ
"Brothers stand with me, Stand fast in the frontline, sharp swords drawn ready for honouring our Lord and Saviour and his word"
"Maybe we will miss the battle if we stay in the Library"

I pray also that what he may learn may lead him into the truth, but I fear what he has already learned (From his website) his own wisdom is preventing him.

1 Corinthians 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.
1 Corinthians 3:20 And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.

George 05-06-2009 04:18 PM

Re: "Sam Gipp's degree"

Can I ask why you joined this forum? You by your own admission from your website are
"extremely against the KJV only view. "
Now from the get go we on this forum can see your agenda, you are not here to discuss anything, but you are here to try and persuade a group of Born again Bible believers that their choice of One Book is wrong.
Aloha brother Steve,

You asked GREEKtim (the "name" says it ALL!): "why you joined this forum?" This remains a great "mystery" with me also. WHY? Why do King James Bible DENIERS join this Forum? And WHY do they always try to represent themselves as being "NEUTRAL", when all along they have a VICIOUS BIAS against God's Holy word? (i.e. - "I am extremely against the KJV only view.") I wouldn't "think" of joining his (or their) Forum - WHY do they come here? WHAT do they hope to accomplish? :confused: {They sure aren't here to "edify" the brethren! :(}

And you will notice - they are always so "NICE"; so "SMARMY"; so "INGRATIATING"; and sooo "POLITE" and "HUMBLE"! It's enough to make a grown man sick! Check out where a young man has gone to college or "bible" school and, nearly all the time, you can tell what he believes.

These so-called "bible" schools and "christian" colleges are turning out the same cookie cutter graduates (by the hundreds) who "regurgetate" what they have learned from their apostate "theological professors" - and yet, they have no idea WHERE God's word is, or WHAT it is. But they are absolutely SURE of one thing - that it can't be the King James Bible, and they are willing to join a "AV1611 Forum" and "innocently" try to pass themselves off as "neutral" observers, while all the time harboring an "extreme" bias against the Book that most of us believe in and honor.

Does the word disingenuous come to mind? Does the word deceitful come to mind? Does the word SUBTLE come to mind? These kind of "Christians" literally make me sick! I can put up with drunks, dopers, and ordinary every day sinners (like me), before I can put up with a pretentious "Christian" that is two-faced and full of GUILE!

DUPLICITOUS and FEIGNED conduct on the part of a "Christian" (a "pastor" at that) is not only inappropriate and unbecoming, it also dishonors the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and is a reproach to the ministry to which "greektim" is supposedly called.

If you doubt what I have said about Humanistic influence on today's churches and "Christian" education, you only have to read greektim's Threads & Posts, and his "responses" to others on the Forum to see the results!

Proverbs 26:12 Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him.

peopleoftheway 05-06-2009 04:53 PM

I agree Brother George

Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Time and time again on this forum we get those who join and by their own admission disagree and are against (extremely in this case) in essence what this forum is about, Bible believing Christians discussing Bible believing issues, comparing spiritual things with spiritual with the greatest teacher we can ever have or need.
Now if Tim had joined, willing to acknowledge the truth of the matter or at least be impartial and willing to be reconciled with the truth, there certainly wouldn't be GreekTim in his name and their certainly wouldn't be his web address promoting the "Greek" and theology

Does the word disingenuous come to mind? Does the word deceitful come to mind? Does the word SUBTLE come to mind? These kind of "Christians" literally make me sick! I can put up with drunks, dopers, and ordinary every day sinners (like me), before I can put up with a pretentious "Christian" that is two-faced and full of GUILE!
Again I agree wholeheartedly, I can witness to drunks, dopers and every day sinners and receive some respect in many cases (Because I used to be one of them, I understand them and I know that my time spent as lost and hopeless as they are, was for Gods Glory), but when I approach any Christians on the Bible version issue, I get looks that even the dopers, drunks and worldly people don't even give me. In fact my Mother was talking to a lady who wasn't even saved who stopped going to her local church because the new versions didn't sound like the bible,
"faith cometh by hearing"
she knew that the KJB was the word of God and she wasn't even saved (well seed is planted let the spirit of God do the rest)

Also in comparison to recent joins to the forum, Clint Boyer, Boaz, niteowl1611, and that wonderful testimony from jaqui2411 (If I missed anyone forgive me) who have in contrast came with an open mind and an open heart and as genuine believers seeking the truth and have embraced and digested the clear irrefutable evidence that God preserved his word, for today in the KJB

In all honestly I shall make my time more applicable to the lost sinners destined to an eternal hell unless they accept Christ rather than watch as my Brothers in Christ shoot themselves in the foot with their defective weapons preparing for battle!

2 Timothy 2:3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.

George 05-06-2009 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by Brother Tim (Post 19307)
If GT can make it through the gauntlet of this forum and still have some hair and hide left, I'll give him a Th.D too. :D

You meanies that keep picking on him about his "extreme" position, take a look at his picture! He's a BABY still. Wet behind the ears and green top-to-bottom. He'll wake up one day and realize that the degrees really don't matter all that much, unless one is intending to turn them into cash or men's praise. My father always downplayed his Th.D, though it was a very tough process to complete for him as a pastor of a small church with little income or time.

GT has roots in the KJB. One day he will see the truth. I feel confident about that. That change will be delayed by the beatings, however. Brethren! Smile, shake his hand, pat him on the shoulder, and let him know you love his fervor. Then if you feel the need to, pop him on the back of the head when he's not looking. :p

Aloha Brother Tim,

If you can show me (from the Scriptures) where the Lord Jesus Christ ever dealt with a 25 year old MAN (not a child) in the manner in which you are suggesting, I will do exactly that. But if you cannot demonstrate (from the Scriptures) that what you are suggesting (i.e. handle him with kid gloves) is the "scriptural" way to deal with him, then I will continue "to calls them as I sees them". {Check out Matthew 19:16-22 - The Lord didn't cut that young man "any slack", because he was "young" - and neither should we.}

The idea that young men (a "pastor" in this case) can be EXCUSED for their wrong doing or sin comes from Humanistic Psychiatry/Psychology and has NO BASIS in the Holy Bible. In spite of what our "culture" believes - "Childhood" does NOT extend into a person's 20's. In the Old Testament a male of twenty years of age was considered to be a man and was required to defend his country (Israel), if he was able, as a soldier - and NOT as a child, but as a MAN! [Numbers 1:3 From twenty years old and upward, all that are able to go forth to war in Israel: thou and Aaron shall number them by their armies.]

And not only that, but the priests of Israel "did the work for the service of the house of the LORD, from the age of twenty years and upward." [1 Chronicles 23:24]

And so we have the Biblical testimony (Definition) as to what age God considers a young male - A "MAN". Today when a young man goes into the ministry, he is supposed to faithfully "serve" the Lord and "minister" to the Lord's "house" (i.e. the church); and he is also going into a "war". This "work" is for MEN - NOT Children. Children DID NOT DO "the work for the service of the house of the LORD" and they DID NOT GO TO "WAR". If "greektim" is to be treated as a "child" - he shouldn't be in the ministry, if he is going to be in the ministry, then we shouldn't be treating him as a child!

The willingness to "go easy" on those who name the name of Christ - just because they are considered young, is foreign to Scripture and is a recent development from our Humanistic society. {Remember Jordan?}

I tend to "go easy" on the lost (most of them don't know better) and on "new" Christians (who are babes in Christ) as long as they are "sincere", but those who have been saved for some time (especially "pastors") are without excuse! :(

Greektim 05-06-2009 07:24 PM

I think Brother Tim is alluding not to going easy on me but being kind in your speech (cf. 2 Tim. 2:25-26).

Let me express that my handle does not express everything about me. I should have signed under as Timotheos (which is Greek for Timothy ala Greektim). There is a story behind it and not an agenda. If you care to hear me explain it, then I will be happy to. But since it corresponds to my email, I chose it.

To answer why I joined this forum since I am not KJVO, I have said already so that iron can sharpen iron. Even if we disagree on the translation of choice, believe it or not we have very many similar theological views which we can edify from each other. And by the way, I did ask if one had to be KJVO to join. If I was told that it would be fruitless on all parties to do so, then I would not be here.

Brethren, I do covet your prayers. If I am in error on any theological position, it is not my desire to stay in error. While at this time I do not believe I am wrong, I know my knowledge is not perfect and I am constantly learning every day. The fact that I am willing to come here to discuss these things should show you that I am open to the truth. I don't think it is wrong to say that I am extremely against a theological view just as you are the same.

And George, I am seeking to be polite because even the Bible says in so many places that our conversation should be seasoned with salt & etc... If you don't like Christian discussion bathed in love, then I don't think you have given the entire counsel of God its due consideration. I don't mean to sound lovey-dovey, but I still want to be courteous to my brethren. And considering my past, it is very easy to slip back into a form of speech that is not edifying nor glorfying to God. So I would rather not stumble in that regard.

And to Fredoheaven, I put this thread in this part of the forum (Bible versions) b/c Gipp is such a staunch defender of the KJV. I thought it would be highly appropriate here, especially considering the direction this discussion has turned.

KingSolomon1611 05-06-2009 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Greektim (Post 19273)
Where did he recieve his ThD? I am very curious. Was it from Ruckman's school?

I know he got his Bachelor of Divinity from PBI. He probably got his Th.D there too. Why?

Greektim 05-06-2009 07:32 PM

Just curious. Honestly and truly curious.

KingSolomon1611 05-06-2009 07:38 PM

Thy sins be forgiven thee, go and sin no more...

Greektim 05-06-2009 07:40 PM

who can forgive sins but God? ;)

KingSolomon1611 05-06-2009 07:47 PM

I know, he told me to tell that to you.

solabiblia 05-06-2009 08:19 PM

Watch Those Comparisons

Originally Posted by George (Post 19279)

I wonder where Peter, James, and John got their "degree"? Where did Paul & Apollos "matriculate" and get their "degree"? Where did the Lord Jesus Christ get His "degree"? Hmmm? What difference does it make WHERE someone got his "degree" or whether he even has a "degree" or not? Hmmm?

Are only those with people with "degrees" QUALIFIED to teach and preach God's word? Are only those people with "degrees" to be listened to and all of the rest of the men whom God has called (without "degrees") to be ignored?[/FONT]

You seem to be comparing Sam Gipp to the apostles or the Lord Jesus Christ.

Well, let me tell you something. I know the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is a friend of mine, and Sam Gipp is no Lord Jesus Christ. :tsk:

Try not to obfuscate, dodge, and change the subject without answering. The question was not "Does it matter where he got his degree?" The question was "Where did he receive his ThD?" If you know, please advance the conversation by answering. If you don't know, please advance the conversation with your silence.

Cody1611 05-06-2009 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by Greektim (Post 19286)
I don't mind answering questions...in fact...I would love to discuss my views. But I just want this thread to stay focused on my question. I searched the net and cannot find my answer. I was hoping to find some help here.

Your answer, yes, that is me.

If you are so strongly against what we stand for then why are you here? Don't give me this bunk, "I want to discuss the matter." blah, blah, blah...You are here because you have a set agenda and you want to prove that God's word(KJB) is not perfect.

I want to ask you a question. Where is your preserved word of God at? In corrupt manuscripts? Did they come from the Alexandria Cult? Are they in a new version "bible"?

Kottage Kat 05-06-2009 09:09 PM

DR. Samual Gipp was recently at our church, we were so blessed to get himas he is booked years in advance. He is the foremost authority, next to Dr. Ruckman on the KJV. He is an excellent speaker, and dispite the controversy over where he got his degree, I urge all to read his books. If he speaks with authority, and his doctrine is sound, who cares where he got his degree. Is it really THAT important, be blessed by the teachings of this Man of GOD. I only know about Dr. Ruckman from what I read on this site.

George 05-06-2009 10:04 PM

Re: " Sam Gipp's degree"

Originally Posted by solabiblia (Post 19326)
"You seem to be comparing Sam Gipp to the apostles or the Lord Jesus Christ.

Well, let me tell you something. I know the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is a friend of mine, and Sam Gipp is no Lord Jesus Christ. :tsk:

Try not to obfuscate, dodge, and change the subject without answering. The question was not "Does it matter where he got his degree?" The question was "Where did he receive his ThD?" If you know, please advance the conversation by answering. If you don't know, please advance the conversation with your silence


I don't "seem to be" doing anything! :mad: And I never compared Sam Gipp to the Lord Jesus Christ! :eek: What are you doing with your blasphemy - putting words in my mouth? Do you have a problem with my Post? You (solabilia?) and "greektim" have NO FINAL AUTHORITY, so the question is - WHY are you here?

I have approximately 700 Posts on this Forum. You couldn't find one of those Posts where I doubt WHAT the Holy word of God is - or WHERE I can find. There isn't one of those Posts where I have altered, changed, subtracted or added to the King James Bible - NO NOT ONCE!

On top of that I have never QUESTIONED where someone (on this Forum or anywhere else for that matter) got his "degree" from - NO NOT ONCE! {I could "Care Less" WHERE someone went to school, or WHERE they got their "degree" from (I'm not an "intellectual snob"). SCHOOLS, DEGREES, and the people who have them don't impress me in the slightest! - Other than I have noticed that people like yourself and "greektim" are "PUFFED UP" over whatever knowledge you may have, and you demonstrate that PRIDE in almost all of your Posts.}

You can TWIST my words around all you want - you have already PROVEN to be a "pro" at it in the past, but the fact is when someone inquires where someone got their degree from - that someone is "fishing" for something and I'm NOT biting!

I've got "news" for you bud - I'm going to answer anyone anyway I want, and if you don't like it you can go to "greektim's" blog and have a nice "theological discussion"! Who do you think you are trying to tell me how to answer someone, or keep silent? Hmmm? If it bothers you so much find another Forum where you can spread your Humanistic drivel!

I would NEVER consider joining a Forum that didn't believe in the King James Bible as the FINAL AUTHORITY in all matters of faith and practice - it would NEVER enter my mind or my heart to do so. What purpose would it serve to "join" with people (like you & "greektim") who are not of "like mind" as myself? So again the "question": WHY are you here, amongst so many Christians that are of a different mind on the Holy word of God? What purpose are you serving by being here?

We don't have "conversations" with "Christians" who denigrate the Holy word of God or who "take an "extreme" stand against those who believe in it: ("I am extremely against the KJV only view.") It always comes around to the same question: WHY are you and "greektim" here? Don't you know of another Forum where everyone is "polite" and "courteous", and never criticize anyone for anything? Can't you find a place where you all can have the same mind on all subjects and be in agreement about how much you despise the King James Bible and especially those King James Bible ONLY people? Wouldn't you be much happier amongst your "own kind"?

Since you have joined this Forum all we have ever heard from you is your "clever" remarks and destructive criticism of a Book that most of us on this Forum hold dear to our hearts. You have NO FINAL AUTHORITY, other than your own opinions, and you are never going to "persuade" any of us to your unbelieving Humanistic viewpoint about God's word, so take a hike bud, we don't need you here to slip in and snip & snipe every once in a while, and take cheap pot shots at genuine Bible believers. :eek:

Greektim 05-06-2009 11:25 PM

George, you can accuse me all you want. That is your perrogative. But you don't know me well enough to say what my intentions are. You speak like we are old enemies that have been arguing this for a long time. You might be arguing this with other people for a while, but you don't know me, brother. So how can you expect to know my intentions to the original question?

I honestly wanted to know where Gipp recieved his degree, whether it matters or not. I was always under the assumption that Gipp was a TRO of the Burgon persuasion. But someone called him a Ruckmanite, and that aroused my curiosity. I could tell a lot about a person by finding out where they recieved their formal education. So while you may not like me, a brother in Christ, for my doctrinal positions, please understand I am just trying to get a question answered about a man I don't know much about. I came here hoping someone could help me. Here it is, post forty, and I still don't have anything for certain. If I knew it was going to take this long to get to nowhere, then I would have just emailed him.

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