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Bro. Parrish 07-06-2009 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Critical Thinking (Post 23347)
It seems that Will Kinney is 'off limits' and above reproach in all matters... Are you implying this is an inerrant message board on the basis that it promotes the KJB?

No brother, it's not that we think Will is perfect, or that this is an "inerrant message board," ...trust me we all have our faults and we even slap EACH OTHER around from time to time. But looking at several of your recent posts it seems you are coming off as very "critical" for a new member, so you might want to settle down a little and get the "lay of the land" so to speak. Please understand, we get a lot of "smart alecks" and deceivers here which tend to be dealt with rather harshly. Look; Bro. Kinney is doing HIS best to present the case for the KJV, it seems you are doing YOUR best to detract from that. That won't fly here, I assure you. Chill out, take a deep breath and think about it before you proceed brother. :)

Critical Thinking 07-06-2009 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by George (Post 23351)
... It's too bad that you are not here to EDIFY the brethren! It's sad that you are not here to witness to the TRUTH! It's a tragedy that you "think" that you can "MAKE" people "think" - instead of trying to PERSUADE them! ...

I am only one part of the body. We are not all eyes, ears, or feet. I am here to edify (through correction) and witness the pure truth (without the superfluous and the mistakes).


Originally Posted by George (Post 23351)
... I don't consider brother Will's presentation as "a circular argument at best". ...

You were so right: I can't make you think.


Originally Posted by George (Post 23351)
... Your argument is fallacious, at best, and is quite "typical" of the "sophistical thinking" that is now taught in the majority of "CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS"! ...

I wouldn't call the Seventh & Eighth Grade very "sophistical". [Note to Self: everything you reveal about yourself will be used against you here.]


Originally Posted by George (Post 23351)
... Have you got an OBJECTION to a genuine Bible believer throwing "around a lot of Scripture"? ...

Yes, I do when it is taken out of context and frivolously waved about to support false assertions.


Originally Posted by George (Post 23351)
... We don't take too kindly to STRANGERS joining the Forum, and without so much of a "Howdy Do", start in "CRITICIZING" some of the brethren here. ...

If I had known you spoke for every one here I would have sought your approval first.


Originally Posted by George (Post 23351)
... Your "Signature" says it all: "CRITICAL thinking" ...

I'm so glad I didn't have to explain that to you.

Bro. Parrish 07-06-2009 11:27 AM

Oh boy, here we go... :rolleyes:

Critical Thinking 07-06-2009 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish (Post 23356)
... Chill out, take a deep breath and think about it before you proceed brother. :)

Thank you for your advice, Bro. Parrish. You have been very kind.

Will Kinney 07-06-2009 11:46 AM

And now for the THIRD time.
Hi Critical. From what I know of this forum the vast majority of us are all Bible believers. That is, we all believe that the King James Bible is the only complete, pure, perfect, inspired and 100% true Holy Bible and Standard by which all other versions and translations are to be measured and compared.

We do not hold up any one man or group of men as being our final authority. We are all sinners saved by the grace of God through the redeeming blood of the Lamb of God - our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Not all of us here are in agreement on several issues or doctrines, but what unites us is a common faith in our Lord and Redeemer and a belief that the King James Bible IS the true and pure words of God.

So, now for the third time, I again will post my initial question to you, which so far you keep avoiding. I know that I and probably several others here would really like to hear what you say about this central issue. In case your critical thinking skills have missed it (as you did the Greek footnote about kaiper estin being the Received text reading) here it is again.

Originally Posted by Critical Thinking

But let this be sufficient for now: I think the KJV which exists right now is the complete, inspired and 100% true Holy Bible!
Forgive me if I am assuming something that is not true, but as a result of discussions on many other forums and with lots of different Christians, I have often found that people cloak what they really believe by using ambiguous or unclear phrases. If you really think the King James Bible IS the complete, inspired and 100% true Holy Bible, then are you equally prepared to state the only logical alternative in regard to versions like the NASB, NIV, RSV, ESV, NKJV, Holman Standard, etc? Because these multi-choice versions differ from the 100% true KJB by literally thousand of words omitted (anywhere from 17 to 45 entire verses in the N.T. alone) and often reject the Hebrew texts and have completely different meanings in hundreds of verses, are you then willing to take the stand that these other versions are NOT the complete, inspired and 100% Holy Bible?

This is not a rhetorical question. I really would like for you to give us a straight up and honest answer to it.

Thank you,

Will K

George 07-06-2009 03:46 PM

Re: "Matthew 23:14 Inspired Scripture or not?"
Aloha brethren,

Well, we have ourselves another “gnatstrainer” – who has come to the AV1611 Bible Forums to “edify” us by “CORRECTING” us! {And I always thought that that was WHY we have the Holy Scriptures.} :confused:

2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

It never ceases to amaze me that some man (or woman) who, is a TOTAL STRANGER, and who, may (or may not) be a “Christian”, takes it upon himself (or herself) to join the AV1611 Bible Forum with the intention of “CORRECTING” all of our “mistakes”, and yet when asked a very simple question about WHICH Bible is his (or her) “FINAL AUTHORITY”, he (or she) engages in “Jesuit Casuistry” - or better know as the “ARTFUL DODGE”!


Dictionary: ca·su·ist·ry
  • Specious or excessively subtle reasoning intended to rationalize or mislead.
  • The determination of right and wrong in questions of conduct or conscience by analyzing cases that illustrate general ethical rules.
{From: Answers.com}

casuistry - noun
1. casuistry - argumentation that is specious or excessively subtle and intended to be misleading

2. casuistry - moral philosophy based on the application of general ethical principles to resolve moral dilemmas. (the philosophical study of moral values and rules)

probabilism - a Roman Catholic system of casuistry that when expert opinions differ an actor can follow any solidly probable opinion that he wishes even though some different opinion might be more probable.

{Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2008 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.}
CRITICAL thinker said:

I am only one part of the body. We are not all eyes, ears, or feet. I am here to edify (through correction) and witness the pure truth (without the superfluous and the mistakes).”

“Well, it may seem that way, but that would mostly be because Will writes more than just about any one else (but look at the 1611 vs. 1769 thread). No, I didn't come here to argue with him or any one else. I am here to point out error wherever I find it. I am here to make posters and readers think.”
Can you imagine the PRIDE that someone has, when he (or she) “THINKS” that he (or she) can “CORRECT” everyone? He (or she) must “think” that he (or she) KNOWS EVERYTHING and has the "corner" on the "pure truth".) WHY - even I don’t try to “correct” much more than 5% of the folks on this Forum! :rolleyes: ;) :D

Remember what I have said before: “You CAN NOT reason with a Sophist – It is an exercise in FUTILITY”! :( The best thing that any one of us can do is IGNORE him (or her). There is one thing that a Sophist can not stand, and that is when no one will “dialogue” with them!

Proverbs 26:4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him.

Will Kinney 07-06-2009 04:44 PM

Good points, George. Thanks too for the definitions of casuistry. Let's see if Critical has the decency and honesty to give us a clear answer to the question that I have asked him now some three times at least and he keeps avoiding.

Will K

chette777 07-06-2009 05:57 PM


you may click on my profile and go to my web page and read all about the ministry I am in, my testimony and see pictures of my family and minsitry as well. Enjoy.

Critical Thinking 07-07-2009 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by chette777 (Post 23381)
... you may click on my profile and go to my web page and read all about the ministry I am in, my testimony and see pictures of my family and minsitry as well. Enjoy.

Thank you for sharing. Beautiful family! May God bless your ministry.

Critical Thinking 07-07-2009 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by George (Post 23374)
... Well, we have ourselves another “gnatstrainer” ...

Oops. Are you the only one allowed to be a "gnatstrainer" here?


Originally Posted by George (Post 23374)
... who, may (or may not) be a “Christian”, ...

Do you always question peoples' salvation, even after you have read their testimony professing Jesus as their Saviour?


Originally Posted by George (Post 23374)
... with the intention of “CORRECTINGall of ourmistakes”, ...

I never used the word "all" in that post. Since you wrote something false, does that make you a lier? I am probably not capable of correcting all the mistakes here, since you can evidently make them faster than I could ever correct them.


Originally Posted by George (Post 23374)
... he (or she) engages in “Jesuit Casuistry” - or better know as the “ARTFUL DODGE”! ...

I hope you're hungry, because you're gonna be eating a big piece of crow soon.


Originally Posted by George (Post 23374)
... Can you imagine the PRIDE that someone has, when he (or she) “THINKS” that he (or she) can “CORRECT” everyone? ...

Could you show me where I wrote "everyone"?


Originally Posted by George (Post 23374)
... He (or she) must “think” that he (or she) KNOWS EVERYTHING and has the "corner" on the "pure truth".) ...

Could you show me where I suggest that I am omniscient? If I thought I knew everything, would I have already apologized for making an error myself?


Originally Posted by George (Post 23374)
... WHY - even I don’t try to “correct” much more than 5% of the folks on this Forum! ...

You have no idea how relieved that makes me feel.

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