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BornAgainBibleBeliever514 03-30-2009 01:37 PM

I was a meat-eater all my life until around two years ago or more.
Presently, I eat no meat, fish, chicken, dairy, butter, eggs, cheese or non-distilled water.
Christians always look at me weird when I say this, especially since the third Baptist `sacrement` is the BUFFET, but I DON`T do it as a doctrine of devils, nor to keep any laws whatsoever. I do it for health reasons.

Anyone ever heard of something called Halelujah Acres? Its a Biblically-based raw food diet plan. Its about cutting out all the toxic, dead, useless cooked foods and replacing with living vitamins and proteins from raw foods. (no, not raw meat :P)
Apparently, around 80% of all known diseases can be CURED using nutritional therapy, even most cancers and heart disease!

Ever heard of vitamin B17? of course you havn't: it CURES cancer, eats it for lunch! it can only be found in certain non-GMO seeds, that havn't been treated under heat. Cooking your food removes all living vitamins, making it nutritionally devoid of anything except minerals.

Check out some of the Biblical precedent:
Genesis 1:29 (God made the perfect human body, and told them to eat the perfect fuel for that body)
Ezekiel 4:9 (recipe for healthy bread)

Actually, if you have a Loblaws, there is actually a bread and food lline branded as Ezekiel 4:9 bread, with the scripture on the package and everything, plus the breads taste great. Organic, sprouted multigran, gluten-free, keep in the fridge goodness, mmmm.

Yeah, and I TOTALLY don't eat vegan to save the animals or the planet or anything like that. I love to flyfish, and drive fast cars! yea!

chette777 04-01-2009 09:21 PM


I went down the path of natural raw foods and was a vegetarian for years (1979-1986). but I was always sickly. I took all my vitamins, supplements (spent a small fortune on them), ate almonds and nuts, green and raw veggies and fruits. I followed the Brachs plan and the Grey plan. used lots of wheat grass juice.

Then one day I stopped eased my self back into cooked foods and meats. I have been healthier than I ever was before.

A good colon cleans is good once and a while or if you need to detox you colon and body. eating properly cooked and raw veggies are very good. meat, I still take in small amounts average of about 2 oz with any given meal that includes meat. occasionally more when eating fish.

I eat less eggs because here they are generally not handled right or refrigerated so they have small amounts of activated salmonella.

I drink Dry Milk because I have allergy to whole fresh Milk. I can drink all the milk I want if it is dried whole Milk with no allergic reaction. I was told that the process it for drying milk allows the chemicals in the milk i.e. Insecticides, hormones and steroidal types drugs steam out into the air so dry milk doesn't carry very much of them in it. And that the boiling is around 500 degrees for dry milk, while pasturiztion is only around 280-300 degrees. That is why there is a difference.

Cheese I haven't had any problem with except if I eat large amounts.

Tata makes me a muesli with raw rolled oats, raisins, cashew nuts and raw sugar. Oh it is good.

I am going back to starting my day with Coffee but drinking Chinese green teas during the day.

JaeByrd 04-02-2009 07:30 PM


Cooking a food doesn’t make it any more nutritious, but some cooked foods do have advantages over the uncooked varieties.

For example, lycopene, a phytonutrient in tomatoes which may offer protection from some cancers, is absorbed in the body better from cooked or processed tomatoes.
Similarly, carotenoids, a form of vitamin A found in red, yellow, orange and many dark-green leafy vegetables, are more available for absorption when cooked, as is lutein, a phytonutrient in corn.
Some animals are herbivores, which means that they eat only plants
Some animals are carnivores, which means that they eat only meat
Some animals, called omnivores, eat both plants and animals.

Carnivores tend to have long canines which are used to rip and tear meat, sometimes in a scissors like action. In addition, carnivores have sharp molars toward the back of the mouth, used to further rip and shred meat.

Herbivores tend to have well-developed flat premolars and molars, often with sharp ridges on the tops. Generally herbivores do not have canine teeth, and their incisors are usually large and used to snip off foliage from branches.

Omnivores usually have a variety of all kinds of teeth. Humans, bears and raccoons are omnivores, since they eat all kinds of food (both meat and plant material) they need all kinds of teeth.

Humans generally have 32 permanent teeth in an adult mouth—16 in the upper jaw and 16 in the lower jaw. Incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. (and sometimes wisdom teeth) We're omnivores.

I like a wide variety of cooked and uncooked produce and grains. As well as beef, chicken, lamb, fish, etc. As natural as possible without breaking the bank in the process.

Diligent 04-03-2009 08:21 AM

Brother BABB514, I mean no offense with this post.


Originally Posted by BornAgainBibleBeliever514 (Post 17577)
I was a meat-eater all my life until around two years ago or more.
Presently, I eat no meat, fish, chicken, dairy, butter, eggs, cheese or non-distilled water.
Christians always look at me weird when I say this, especially since the third Baptist `sacrement` is the BUFFET, but I DON`T do it as a doctrine of devils, nor to keep any laws whatsoever. I do it for health reasons.

Genesis 9:3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.

(Before the Law)
Any teaching that says vegetarian diets are healthier than omnivorous diets for human beings is contrary to Scripture. Even if you do not preach dietary restrictions, you should still be careful about telling people that being a vegetarian is "healthier" than having a rounded diet. Nothing in the Bible supports that.


Ever heard of vitamin B17? of course you havn't:
It's not actually a true vitamin. But I see no harm in trying to use it -- however, telling people it can cure a disease is irresponsible. There is nothing wrong with trying to improve your diet, but making claims like that discredits the rest of your message.


Cooking your food removes all living vitamins, making it nutritionally devoid of anything except minerals.
Why did Abraham have his wife cook food (including meat) for the angles and the Lord that visited them?

Also, it is known that many nutritive elements of different foods require cooking to make them usable by the body.


Check out some of the Biblical precedent:
Genesis 1:29 (God made the perfect human body, and told them to eat the perfect fuel for that body)
Which, of course, was in an ecosystem that no longer exists. It didn't even rain before the Flood, so going back to a pre-flood ecosystem for your diet is a big mistake. The soil is different now than it was then. We also do not have access to the Tree of Life. Finally, nothing after the Flood ever indicates that "raw food diets" are "good" -- everything in the Book about food, after the Fall, is all well-rounded (there are lots of rules about what to eat in Mosaic Law, and no suggestion that uncooked vegitables are "it").


Ezekiel 4:9 (recipe for healthy bread)
And if you are in a city under seige with no access to other foods, I'd say, go for it!
Ezekiel 4:9 Take thou also unto thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentiles, and millet, and fitches, and put them in one vessel, and make thee bread thereof, according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon thy side, three hundred and ninety days shalt thou eat thereof.

Brother Tim 04-03-2009 08:54 AM


Why did Abraham have his wife cook food (including meat) for the angles
so they wouldn't be obtuse...

:pound: sorry, couldn't resist :D

Bro. Parrish 04-03-2009 09:18 AM


Apparently, around 80% of all known diseases can be CURED using nutritional therapy, even most cancers and heart disease!
I do agree some of our illnesses can be cured with natural remedies,
I think it's obvious that God gave us the cures for many of our "problems" right in the plants and natural world. Good old aspirin proves that (I think salicylates originally came from willow bark).

There are many plant-based substances used as drugs and medicines:

I never felt the urge to take the vegetarian diet route though.
Coincidentally, I was reading a related article the other day...
for what it's worth, this is kind of interesting...

Vegetarian Diet Deficiencies Are a Proven Fact
Tons of information, scroll down for so-called Myths of Vegetarianism...

Diligent 04-03-2009 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Brother Tim (Post 17756)
so they wouldn't be obtuse...

:pound: sorry, couldn't resist :D


BornAgainBibleBeliever514 04-03-2009 11:28 AM

I have a chart in a book somewhere at home that lists numerous anatomy comparisson points between herbi, carni and omnivores, and despite our 4 canines, versus all the other tooth types in our mouths that are perfect for herbs, apparently all the other comparissons point to humans being herbivores, with an adaptation to be able to consume meats also.
After all God did know we'd eat meat eventually, but that doesn't mean its the best thing for our bodies.
Now, animal foods would have been far far safer before our modern age of hormones, steroids, chemicals, pasturizing, etc; but today they are the leading causes of illnesses.

When I went vegan, I never ever felt sickly, I lost 80lbs in 6 months, without working out (I was almost 300lbs to begin with). And to be quite honest, I havn't seen sick once in almost three years. Once during that time I thought I caught the flu from a bunch of kids next door, and I continued helping out at their house, they were all really sick. I however only suffered one evening with an achy body, the next day I was fine.
Before I changed my diet, I used to get every symptom in the book, the sinuses, the sore throaght, the aches and headaches, the vomiting, the coughing, the works. But aside from that one time I came close, my body has fought off everything so well I didn't even know if I caught something.
Now, I'm not really in great shape, because of my lifestyle, I don't get nearly enough exercise, but I eat well, and avoid all the poisons, and I've never felt healthier.
I'm looking forward to spring so I can get my bike back out on the streets, get more exercise after work.

I've been convinced from my readings that all animal products and processed foods are utter poison for the body, with rare exceptions.
I also beleive that cooking any vegetable, (and meat for that matter) anything over 108 degrees F completely destroys any and all available vitamins and proteins, leaving only the heat-resitant minerals.
Synthetic and dead vitamin supplements are useless to a living body, as they cannot actually be metabloized.
Did you know a burger patty takes 4 days to get passed through your body?

Here's something interesting: why do we drink cow milk?
a human baby, drinking his mother's breastmilk increases in body mass by approx 1/4 during its first year of life.
A mother's breastmilk changes consistancy throughout the time that the baby requires it, because God miraculously designed it to supply exactly what the baby requires as different stages of his growth are undergone.
A baby cow (calf) drinks its mother's uddermilk and increases in body mass by 4X during its first year. The cow's uddermilk is designed to increase growth exponentially, but even the calf weanes from milk at the appropriate time.
How come no other animals continue to drink mother's milk after their weaning, let alone the milk from another animal? We're the only ones. (not that we're actually animals, but you get my point.)

Anyways, there are tons of other things that could be said about nutrition, one could study their whole life and never get it all learnt.

Check out Kent Hovind's video called the Bible and Health for more info, great place to start. You can find the torrent file from most torrent searchers.

Brother Tim 04-03-2009 01:10 PM

When the Scriptures give clear evidence of a particular behavior, shown in an acceptable light, or even given as an instruction, then one is treading on dangerous ground to criticize that behavior as errant.

Genesis 18:8 And he took butter, and milk, and the calf which he had dressed, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree, and they did eat.

Proverbs 27:27 And thou shalt have goats' milk enough for thy food, for the food of thy household, and for the maintenance for thy maidens.

Isaiah 55:1 Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.
are 3 out of 48 verses (courtesy SwordSearcher :) )

Diligent 04-03-2009 01:44 PM

I always find it interesting that the things vegetarians tell me often contradict Scripture. I'll stick with Scripture (and the high-protein diet that helped bring me down to 185 from 280 pounds).

Diligent 04-03-2009 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by BornAgainBibleBeliever514 (Post 17761)
I have a chart in a book somewhere at home that lists numerous anatomy comparisson points between herbi, carni and omnivores, and despite our 4 canines,

You've already been shown scripture that says we are omnivorous. Shouldn't that settle it? What is your final authority?


When I went vegan, I never ever felt sickly, I lost 80lbs in 6 months, without working out (I was almost 300lbs to begin with). And to be
I was 280 pounds and switched to a virtually all-meat diet and lost 80 pounds (most of which I lost in under a year). I am now eating a more well-rounded diet at a steady weight of 185. I am healthier than I was during High School.

It's fine if you don't want to eat meat. But you should stay away from the stuff that teaches precepts about diet that are contrary to Scripture.

peopleoftheway 04-03-2009 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Diligent (Post 17766)
I always find it interesting that the things vegetarians tell me often contradict Scripture. I'll stick with Scripture (and the high-protein diet that helped bring me down to 185 from 280 pounds).

:amen: to that Brother! I lift weights and I cannot imagine eating anything less than a High Protein diet, more protein and less carbs = leaner and less slugish
(Munching on Chicken legs and Protein shake as I write this :D )
The only thing I do try and avoid are eggs, Lamb liver & kidney. Eggs for the wind problem :twitch: and the rest are just plain disgusting :D

1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
1 Timothy 4:2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
1 Timothy 4:3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.

Now I know that the Catholic Church has commanded its followers to not eat meat on friday and lent etc and I know of new agers (Wiccans to be specific) that claim a vegetarian diet leaves their bodies more open to spirits (familiar of course according to the Holy Bible)

I Give thanks to God for my Food, all of it, animal vegetable and mineral

ps. I am not knocking a vegetarian diet, I personally couldnt even contemplate one, I love Protein and meat to much.

Isaac loved his meat also :)

Genesis 27:14 And he went, and fetched, and brought them to his mother: and his mother made savoury meat, such as his father loved.

Brother Tim 04-03-2009 03:37 PM

BABB, I want to stress that you should eat whatever it is that is comfortable for you. If you find the a certain diet works for you, that is fine. Even recommending to others what has worked for you is okay. As Brandon has said above, the trouble starts when you try to tie in Scriptural principles that cannot withstand examination. I am not criticizing you, but I am obligated to point out inconsistencies in the use of Scripture when prompted by God's Spirit to do so.

P.S. I am NOT letting my wife read how you and Brandon have lost all that weight on these diets. She has been on my case for several months now, and I keep dodging and weaving, albeit very sluggishly. :D

Bro. Parrish 04-03-2009 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by BornAgainBibleBeliever514 (Post 17761)
I've been convinced from my readings that all animal products and processed foods are utter poison for the body, with rare exceptions.

All animal products are utter poison? Did you read the link I posted?
You think a nice grilled slab of fish is "poison" because it's animal life?
Come on brother...


Originally Posted by BornAgainBibleBeliever514 (Post 17761)
Did you know a burger patty takes 4 days to get passed through your body?

LOL, now you're gettin' nasty...
How about this one, meat cake with mashed potato icing... :D


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