KJV Dictionary Definition: stubborn


STUBBORN, a. This word is doubtless formed on the root of stub or stiff, and denotes fixed, firm. But the origin of the latter syllable is not obvious.

1. Unreasonably obstinate; inflexibly fixed in opinion; not to be moved or persuaded by reasons; inflexible; as a stubborn son; a stubborn mind or soul.

The queen is obstinate--stubborn to justice.

2. Persevering; persisting; steady; constant; as stubborn attention.

3. Stiff; not flexible; as a stubborn bow.

Take a plant of stubborn oak.

4. Hardy; firm; enduring without complaint; as stubborn Stoics.

5. Harsh; rough; rugged. Little used.

6. Refractory; not easily melted or worked; as a stubborn ore or metal.

7. Refractory; obstinately resisting command, the goad or the whip; as a stubborn ass or horse.



1. Perverse and unreasonable obstinacy; inflexibility; contumacy.

Stubbornness and obstinate disobedience must be mastered with blows.

2. Stiffness; want of pliancy.

3. Refractoriness, as of ores.