KJV Dictionary Definition: recall


RECALL', v.t. re and call.

1. To call back; to take back; as, to recall words or declarations.

2. To revoke; to annul by a subsequent act; as, to recall a decree.

3. To call back; to revive in memory; as, to recall to mind what has been forgotten.

4. To call back from a place or mission; as, to recall a minister from a foreign court; to recall troops from India.


1. A calling back; revocation.

2. The power of calling back or revoking.

'Tis done, and since 'tis done, 'tis past recall.


RECALL'ABLE, a. That may be recalled.

Delegates recallable at pleasure.


RECALL'ED, pp. Called back; revoked.


RECALL'ING, ppr. Calling back; revoking.