KJV Dictionary Definition: pierce


PIERCE, v.t. pers.

1. To thrust into with a pointed instrument; as, to pierce the body with a sword or spear; to pierce the side with a thorn.

2. To penetrate; to enter; to force a way into; as, a column of troops pierced the main body of the enemy; a shot pierced the ship.

3. To penetrate the heart deeply; to touch the passions; to excite or affect the passions. 1 Tim.6.

4. To dive or penetrate into, as a secret or purpose.

PIERCE, v.i. pers. To enter; as a pointed instrument.

1. To penetrate; to force a way into or through any thing. The shot pierced through the side of the ship.

Her tears will pierce into a marble heart.

2. To enter; to dive or penetrate, as into a secret.

She would not pierce further into his meaning than himself should declare.

3. To affect deeply.


PIERCED, pp. pers'ed. Penetrated; entered by force; transfixed.


PIERCING, ppr. pers'ing. Penetrating; entering, as a pointed instrument; making a way by force into another body.

1. Affecting deeply; as eloquence piercing the heart.

2. a. Affecting; cutting; keen.


PIERCINGLY, adv. pers'ingly. With penetrating force or effect; sharply.