KJV Dictionary Definition: persuasibility


PERSUASIBIL'ITY, n. Capability of being persuaded.


PERSUA'SIBLE, a. L. persuasibilis.

That may be persuaded or influenced by reasons offered.


PERSUA'SIBLENESS, n. The quality of being influenced by persuasion.


PERSUA'SION, n. s as z. L. persuasio.

1. The act of persuading; the act of influencing the mind by arguments or reasons offered, or by any thing that moves the mind or passions, or inclines the will to a determination.

For thou hast all the arts of fine persuasion.

2. The state of being persuaded or convinced; settled opinion or conviction proceeding from arguments and reasons offered by others, or suggested by one's own reflections.

When we have no other certainty of being in the right, but our own persuasion that we are so--

3. A creed or belief; or a sect or party adhering to a creed or system of opinions; as men of the same persuasion; all persuasions concur in the measure.


PERSUA'SIVE, a. Having the power of persuading; influencing the mind or passions; as persuasive eloquence; persuasive evidence.


PERSUA'SIVELY, adv. In such a manner as to persuade or convince.


PERSUA'SIVENESS, n. The quality of having influence on the mind or passions.