KJV Dictionary Definition: oration


ORA'TION, n. L. oratio, from oro, to pray, to utter.

1. A speech or discourse composed according to the rules of oratory, and spoken in public. Orations may be reduced to three kinds; demonstrative, deliberative, and judicial.

2. In modern usage, an oration differs from a sermon, from an argument at the bar, and from a speech before a deliberative assembly. The word is now applied chiefly to discourses pronounced on special occasions, as a funeral oration, an oration on some anniversary, &c. and to academic declamations.

3. A harangue; a public speech or address.


OR'ATOR, n. L.

1. A public speaker. In ancient Rome, orators were advocates for clients in the forum and before the senate and people. They were employed in causes of importance instead of the common patron.

2. In modern usage, a person who pronounces a discourse publicly on some special occasion, as on the celebration of some memorable event.

3. An eloquent public speaker; a speaker, by way of eminence. We say, a man writes and reasons well, but is no orator. Lord Chatham was an orator.

4. In France, a speaker in debate in a legislative body.

5. In chancery, a petitioner.

6. An officer in the universities in England.