KJV Dictionary Definition: noble


NO'BLE, a.

1. Great; elevated; dignified; being above every thing that can dishonor reputation; as a nobel mind; a noble courage; noble deeds of valor.

2. Exalted; elevated; sublime.

Statues, with winding ivy crown'd, belong to nobler poets for a nobler song.

3. Magnificent; stately; splendid; as a noble parade; a noble edifice.

4. Of an ancient and splendid family; as nobel by descent.

5. Distinguished from commoners by rank and title; as a noble personage.

6. Free; generous; liberal; as a noble heart.

7. Principal; capital; as the noble parts of the body.

8. Ingenuous; candid; of an excellent disposition; ready to receive truth. Acts 17.

9. Of the best kind; choice; excellent; as a noble vine. Jeremiah 2.

NO'BLE, n.

1. A person of rank above a commoner; a nobleman; a peer; as a duke, marquis, earl, viscount or baron.

2. In Scripture, a person of honorable family or distinguished by station. Exodus 24. Nehemiah 6.

3. Originally, a gold coin, but now a money of account, value 6s. 8d. sterling, or 48cts.



1. Greatness; dignity; ingenuousness; magnanimity; elevation of mind or of condition, particularly of the mind.

His purposes are full of honesty, nobleness and integrity.

Greatness of mind and nobleness their seat build in her loveliest. The nobleness of life is to do this--

2. Distinction by birth; honor derived from a noble ancestry.