KJV Dictionary Definition: magnifiable


MAG'NIFIABLE, a. See Magnify. That may be magnified; worthy of being magnified or extolled.


MAG'NIFIER, n. from magnify. One who magnifies; one who extols or exalts in praises.

1. A glass that magnifies; a convex lens which increases the apparent magnitude of bodies.


MAGNIFY, v.t. L. magnifico; magnus, great, and facio, to make.

1. To make great or greater; to increase the apparent dimensions of a body. A convex lens magnifies the bulk of a body to the eye.

2. To make great in representation; to extol; to exalt in description or praise. The embassador magnified the king and queen.

3. To extol; to exalt; to elevate; to raise in estimation.

Thee that day

Thy thunders magnified.

The Lord magnified Solomon exceedingly. 1 Chron. 29.

To magnify one's self, to raise in pride and pretensions.

He shall magnify in his heart. Dan.8.


MAG'NIFYING, ppr. Enlarging apparent bulk or dimensions; extolling; exalting.