KJV Dictionary Definition: learn


LEARN, v.t. lern.

1. To gain knowledge of; to acquire knowledge or ideas of something before unknown. We learn the use of letters, the meaning of words and the principles of science. We learn things by instruction, by study, and by experience and observation. It is much easier to learn what is right, than to unlearn what is wrong.

Now learn a parable of the fig tree. Matt. 24.

2. To acquire skill in any thing; to gain by practice a faculty of performing; as, to learn to play on a flute or an organ.

The chief art of learning is to attempt but little at a time.

3. To teach; to communicate the knowledge of something before unknown.

Hast thou not learned me how to make perfumes?

This use of learn, is found in respectable writers, but is now deemed inelegant as well as improper.

LEARN, v.i. lern.

1. To gain or receive knowledge; to receive instruction; to take pattern; with of.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly - Matt. 11.

2. To receive information or intelligence.


LEARNED, lern'ed,


LEARNING, ppr. lern'ing. Gaining knowledge by instruction or reading, by study, by experience or observation; acquiring skill by practice.

LEARNING, n. lern'ing.

1. The knowledge of principles or facts received by instruction or study; acquired knowledge or ideas in any branch of science or literature; erudition; literature; science. The Scaligers were men of great learning.

This is the proper sense of the word.

2. Knowledge acquired by experience, experiment or observation.

3. Skill in anything good or bad.