KJV Dictionary Definition: gentle


GEN'TLE, a. See Genteel. Well born; of a good family or respectable birth, though not noble; as the studies of noble and gentle youth; gentle blood.

1. Mild; meek; soft; bland; not rough, harsh or severe; as a gentle nature, temper or disposition; a gentle manner; a gentle address; a gentle voice. 1 Thess. 27. 2 Tim.2.

2. Tame; peaceable; not wild, turbulent or refractory; as a gentle horse or beast.

3. Soothing; pacific.

4. Treating with mildness; not violent.

A gentle hand may lead the elephant with a hair.

GEN'TLE, n. A gentleman.

1. A kind of worm.

GEN'TLE, v.t. To make genteel; to raise from the vulgar.


GEN'TLENESS, n. See Gentle. Dignity of birth. Little used.

1. Genteel behavior.

2. Softness of manners; mildness of temper; sweetness of disposition; meekness.

The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith. Gal.5.

3. Kindness; benevolence.

4. Tenderness; mild treatment.