KJV Dictionary Definition: distributable


DISTRIBUTABLE, a. See Distribute. That may be distributed; that may be assigned in portions.


DISTRIBUTE, v.t. L., to give or divide.

1. To divide among two or more; to deal; to give or bestow in parts or portions. Moses distributed lands to the tribes of Israel. Christ distributed the loaves to his disciples.

2. To dispense; to administer; as, to distribute justice.

3. To divide or separate, as into classes, orders, kinds or species.

4. To give in charity.

Distributing to the necessities of the saints. Romans 12.

5. In printing, to separate types, and place them in their proper cells in the cases.


DISTRIBUTED, pp. Divided among a number; dealt out; assigned in portions; separated; bestowed.


DISTRIBUTER, n. One who divides or deals out in parts; one who bestows in portions; a dispenser.


DISTRIBUTING, ppr. Dividing among a number; dealing out; dispensing.



1. The act of dividing among a number; a dealing in parts or portions; as the distribution of an estate among heirs or children.

2. The act of giving in charity; a bestowing in parts.

3. Dispensation; administration to numbers; a rendering to individuals; as the distribution of justice.

4. The act of separating into distinct parts or classes; as the distribution of plants into genera and species.

5. In architecture, the dividing and disposing of the several parts of the building, according to some plan, or to the rules of the art.

6. In rhetoric, a division and enumeration of the several qualities of a subject.

7. In general, the division and disposition of the parts of any thing.

8. In printing, the taking a form apart; the separating of the types, and placing each letter in its proper cell in the cases.



1. That distributes; that divides and assigns in portions; that deals to each his proper share; as distributive justice.

2. That assigns the various species of a general term.

3. That separates or divides; as a distributive adjective.

DISTRIBUTIVE, n. In grammar, a word that divides or distributes, as each and every, which represent the individuals of a collective number as separate.


DISTRIBUTIVELY, adv. By distribution; singly; not collectively.


DISTRIBUTIVENESS, n. Desire of distributing. Little used.