KJV Dictionary Definition: assault


ASSAULT', n. L. assulto, of ad and salto, to leap, formed on salio, or its root. See Assail. We have the same root in insult and result.

1. An attack or violent onset, whether by an individual, a company, or an army. An assault by private persons may be made with or without weapons. As assault by an army is a violent hostile attack; and when made upon a fort or fortified place is called a storm, as opposed to sap or siege.

2. An attack by hostile words or measures; as, an assault upon the prerogatives of a prince, or upon a constitution of government.

3. In Law, an unlawful setting upon one's person; an attempt or offer to beat another, without touching his person; as by lifting the fist or a cane, in a threatening manner. If the blow aimed takes effect, it is a battery.

ASSAULT', v.t.

1. To attack or fall upon by violence, or with a hostile intention; as, to assault a man, a house or town.

2. To invade or fall on with force; as, the cry of war assaults our ears.

3. To attack by words, arguments or unfriendly measures, with a view to shake, impair or overthrow; as, to assault a character, the laws or the administration.


ASSAULT'ABLE, a. That may be assaulted.


ASSAULT'ED, pp. Attacked with force, arms, violence, or hostile views.


ASSAULT'ER, n. One who assaults, or violently attacks.


ASSAULT'ING, ppr. Attacking with force, or with hostile measures.