KJV Dictionary Definition: adversative


ADVERS'ATIVE, a. Noting some difference, contrariety, or opposition; as, John is an honest man, but a fanatic. Here but is called an adversative conjunction. This denomination however is not always correct; for but does not always denote opposition, but something additional.

ADVERS'ATIVE, n. A word denoting contrariety or opposition.


AD'VERSE, a. L. adversus, opposite; of ad and versus, turned; from verto, to turn. See Advert. This word was formerly accented, by some authors, on the last syllable; but the accent is now settled on the first.

1. Opposite; opposing; acting in a contrary direction; conflicting; counteracting; as, adverse winds; an adverse party.

2. Figuratively, opposing desire; contrary to the wishes, or to supposed good; hence, unfortunate; calamitous; afflictive; pernicious, unprosperous; as, adverse fate or circumstances.


AD'VERSELY, adv. In an adverse manner; oppositely; unfortunately; unprosperously; in a manner contrary to desire or success.


AD'VERSENESS, n. Opposition; unprosperousness.


ADVERS'ITY, n. An event, or series of events, which oppose success or desire; misfortune; calamity; affliction; distress; state of unhappiness.

In the day of adversity, consider. Eccl. 7.

Ye have rejected God, who saved you out of all you adversities. 1Sam. 10.