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Old 05-26-2009, 01:11 AM
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Originally Posted by Bro. Parrish View Post
Well I have never seen one myself, I have seen some things at night that caught my eye, but they always turned out to be planes. But I'll tell you this; since U.F.O. simply means Unidentified Flying Object, and since we now have hundreds if not thousands of commercial pilots, military personnel and law enforcement officers who are coming forward about the amazing things they have seen, I think anyone who doesn't believe UFO's exist would just about have to be mentally insane.
Brother Parrish, we don't see by direct light, we see by reflected light. The objects I saw were solid, all reflected light, and in the case of the last object it's movements through the clouds interacted with them, ie, I could see clearly the cloud fragments themselves being moved by the thing.

This may perplex some, I'm not going to say what they are for the simple reason that firstly, the Scriptures are silent with regards airborne objects, or ground borne objects for that matter(cars). When a prophet is taken to heaven by a chariot of fire I believe that's just what it was. Ezekiel's Wheel was clearly stated to have been a vision, as I believe the flying roll and the two winged women were in Zechariah.

Secondly, I'm not going to say they are demonic for the simple reason that there is so much right under our noses that are more demonic. Everything about Roman Catholicism is demonic, and if we say, Mormons, JWs, blah blah blah, well, all of them are merely pale imitations of the Big Saucer, Rome. Everything about Islam, Buddhism, or Hinduism is demonic. Jesus Christ is killed and eaten an average of 55 million times a day by people who are forbidden to marry for ecclesiastical reasons and are forbidden meats, as are the SDAs and others who try to force people back under the Law.

I'm not going to say there is life in outer space because we all know there is none, Acts 17 says He has deternined the bounds of our habitation.

Thirdly, we have a big problem with occult manifestations and the dispensational truths of right division, faith vs. sight. There was much occult activity before the Law. There was much occult activity under the Law. Under John the Baptist and Jesus Christ's Messianic ministry the devil worked overtime. The was demonic activity in the book of Acts. Why? Because God manifested Himself in one form or another that could be seen(sight). All, "times past". There is one little short verse in the letters of Paul, here in the "but now": We walk by faith, not by sight. Paul and the apostles and disciples who witnessed His resurrection knew Him after the flesh but we know Him not after the flesh in this Age, otherwise faith is not faith, but sight. So it stands to reason that if God will not have any physical manifestation of Himself in order that our belief in Him be by faith and nothing else, I do not see why he allows Satan and demons to do just the opposite, manifest themselves in the physical plane. What we call "demons" are evil "spirits", and a spirit hath flesh and bone? They don't, according to Jesus?

Well, if they don't then I see no reason for them to have these supercharged hot rods that flip around the sky at 7000 mph either. The most desperately wicked thing in Creation is not Satan or demons, it's the human heart(Jer. 17) Adolf Hitler was "demonic". No, Adolf Hitler was so far gone with venereal disease he hardly knew his own name, plus, he had a human heart. Charley Manson was "demonic". No, Charley Manson has what every abortion doctor in this country has, a human heart(Jer. 17).

Paul leads me to believe that the true demonic activity in this age is not UFOs and werewolves, but false doctrine by refusing to rightly divide the Scriptures, which is how we got the Catholic Church to begin with. Every time someone tries to teach false doctrine on this forum, that's demonic activity. Every time Satan appeared personally in the Bible, did he sprout fangs and cast spells, while saucers hovered above his head?

No, he spoke words.

What are these things in the sky? I don't know. They don't hinder or further me preaching the gospel of the grace of God, so I don't give them all that much thought. Am I afraid of being abducted? No. If they can shed lead from an SKS carbine they can have me.

Are there aliens among us? There sure are, FFF is just stinking with them.

Grace and peace brother

Zaltar Of Zeta Reticuli