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Old 10-31-2008, 09:53 PM
Vendetta Ride
Posts: n/a

I was saved in 1969; I was "discipled" by some lovely, dedicated saints, who, alas, were all excited about the NASV, which was just about to be published in its full form. For the first thirteen years of my Christian life, I used the NASB and various others, but always wondered what God was really trying to say to me. Then a friend, in college, very patiently, very gently shepherded me towards the KJB, and then toward Ruckman, in 1983. That is also when I chose to become a Baptist.

My friend didn't browbeat me or revile the versions that I was using; he was wise as a serpent, and harmless as a dove. And the Lord used him. Then the Bible became a new Book to me, all uncertainty was gone, and I began to really learn the joy of having God's perfect words.

Within a couple of years, I went to PBI, and was forever "ruined" for any other version!

But, if my brother hadn't approached it so patiently and gently, I still might be using those hideous new versions. We need to realize that 99.9% of the Christians who use new versions simply don't know any better; they've bought the lies of the preachers and "scholars."