Thread: NKJV and the TR
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Old 02-10-2009, 02:18 PM
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Brother Tim Brother Tim is offline
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JBH, the site that you linked lists a number of places where the NKJV has a different and not synonymous translation from the KJB. My first response would be that the persons who use the phrase "ignores the TR" especially with large numbers in reality are counting translational differences as such. Now I would have to speculate that "ignoring" means here that the proper word was not used in the translation. I know that is what you said at the beginning should not be the measure, but I expect that is what most differences boil down to.

I cannot compare the NKJV with the TR for several reasons. First, I am English-literate only, not by choice but by training. (I would like to learn Spanish, but my memory won't cooperate.) Secondly, I am content by comparing the NKJV with the KJB and seeing the errors in the NKJV, I find no need to dig deeper. Lastly and most importantly, NO ONE can make the comparison because there is no singular Greek TR that is universally accepted as the actual complete and perfect TR.