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Old 10-12-2008, 07:42 PM
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atlas atlas is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Dallas Texas
Posts: 463


I still don't understand how the American public is so gullible to support the Bush family and their heirs, who's lies and conspiracy cover up go back to the assassination of Kennedy.
Good Lord, what hasn't the Bush family done?

You have got to be kidding. I thought it was the Mob or the Cubans. No wait the Commies and the KGB. Opps my bad it was the KKK. No hold on it was that Clay Shaw In new Orleans. I'm sorry it was LBJ. No I'm wrong it was the CIA. By the way there are more groups than you and I can name that the crazy folks say killed JKF. Name any group and they are on the who killed JFK list.

You ought to come to Dallas some time, you'd fit right in. All the conspiracy guys hang out talking about who killed JFK. They even have had big fist fights break out over the issue.

Do you think we should support a pro death socialist that ties to terrorist and commies named Obama? If so how do you call yourself a 'conservative' much less a Bible believer?
