Thread: New Wine?
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Old 10-02-2008, 01:34 PM
Born Crucified
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Originally Posted by Luke View Post
If New Wine is unfermented grape juice, then what does Acts 2:13 mean?

Other mocking said "these men are full of new wine"

And then Peter says that the men are not drunken, as they suppose....

If new wine is not alcoholic, what does acts 2:13 mean?
The key word in that phrase is the word 'mocking'. The ones mocking knew the wine that the Apostle's drank was not alcoholic in content.

Peter even affirmed this when he answered, These men are not drunk as ye suppose seeing it is but the third hour of the day...'

Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 5 that '...they that be drunken are drunken in the night.' Paul went on to say that we are 'of the day' and that we are to remain 'sober'.

Peter's statement affirms that they did not drink an alcoholic wine at all. They drank a non-alcoholic wine. This was the same wine that Isaiah recorded was found in the cluster. It was the same wine that Isaiah spoke of when he wrote 'shall tread out no wine in their presses'.

Talk to any vintner today and they will tell you their wines are not made in the presses at all, but rather after the fresh juice is removed from the presses.

Alcohol is made by a process after the juice has left the press. The wine spoken of by Isaiah the prophet in chapter 16 was a non fermented wine. It was this same wine that the Apostle's drank.

How can I be sure that they were drinking a non alcoholic wine?

By Jesus' words when He answered the Pharisees who accused Him of being a winebibber.... "But wisdom is justified of her children".

Just as Jesus was accused falsely of drinking alcohol, His Apostle's were later accused falsely of drinking alcohol