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Old 09-17-2008, 09:25 PM
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Luke Luke is offline
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Originally Posted by ericwgreene View Post
I would encourage you to avoid Peter Ruckman's works. Some good alternatives would be Charles Spurgeon, Samuel Waldron, Fred Malone, Tom Nettles, and Mark Dever. I have found all of their works to be extremely beneficial and Biblical. It is not the mark of a Christian to be "crude and sometimes offensive" as mentioned by Chette777. Christians stand for truth, not behave themselves badly.

Brother, none of those are "alternatives". None of them believe the KJB to be the final authority in all matters of faith and practice, and all of them were calvinists. The only one worth reading would be spurgeon, because he is one of the most inconsistent calvinists of all time. God greatly blessed his work despite his calvinism, not because of it.

If you are offended by Ruckman, I suggest you read Spurgeon's "Letters to my Students". He lambasts and ridicules the modern preachers of his time as well, calling them all manner of names, including "Jackadandies" which is basically calling someone effeminate, or a complete idiot. THere are probably worse names in there, but that comes to mind.

Last edited by Luke; 09-17-2008 at 09:38 PM.