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Old 08-28-2008, 06:06 PM
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chette777 chette777 is offline
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Location: Puerto Princesa City, Palawan Philippines
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Maybe you just have not been taught how to accurately detail your testimony. I have three, one long verson and two shorter versions.

the main thing you want to do when sharing your testimony (especially for the unsaved who may be listening or reading) is to be specific on when you beleived the Gospel, when you made Christ your personal savior and to express that at that moment you were saved and received eternal life.

For example, I heard the gospel, I was convicted in my heart that I needed Christ, I beleived he died in my place and paid the price for my sins, his blood made atonement for my sins and he rose from the dead to give me the assurance of eternal life with him.

all those terms are part of my testimony in one form or another. that way no one would be mistaken to think that there is any other way to be saved other than belief on Christ.

I was not doubting your salvation. I was doubting that your testimony was Biblical. as Bible beleivers we want to make every attempt to have our testimonies agree with the scriptures or we maybe sharing a different gospel.

I didn't beat you down and neither did George. as a matter of fact if you are one who is learning from this forum. you will take his insight and what I just shared and rewrite your testimony in a more Biblically accurate way so as not to mislead unbelievers.

I would not presume to judge your salvation and niether did George.

there is something I do. not everyone does this. But what I do is everytime I get a new Bible (of which I just did) I go through Proverbs. one per day until completed. I make comments in the margins as to what the verses are speaking to me about (that is persoal application). I get to see where I am in light of these scriptures, is my heart on the side of righteousness or wickedness? for throughout Proverbs that contrast is made clear. I still have some of those wicked contrats in my life and I can pray them with the Lord and ask for the Holy Ghost to help me do the things of righteousness in my heart and not the things of wickedness.

May I suggest you do something like that with the book of Proverbs. it is you doing it for you and no one else. that book will have a way of helping you see yourself more clearly and truthfully. So be honest with yourself, attitude and heart as you go through it. For Christ said we must remove the speck from our own eye before we can help remove the stone from our brothers eye.


Last edited by chette777; 08-28-2008 at 06:23 PM.