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Old 08-26-2008, 05:20 PM
Scott Simons
Posts: n/a

Dear Tim and People of the way,

Thank you for addressing this issue. I have to say I struggle with the same conclusions or may I say dilemmas you both have raised. Not to say there is not a letter of the law verses the spirit of the law in this dilemma. But I am trying not to lean to my own understanding. I to would think that one could or should be able to be or get saved from using other versions, after all they do relate a similar message, that Christ died on the cross for your sin and raised from the dead (so to speak). Now the twisting of the message seems to be the major problem.
As you may see from my profile, that I was raised in the cult of Mormonism, and have had to deal with a similar problem; because Mormons also say they believe Christ died for there sins and rose from the dead. However they do use the King James as there bible. Yes, they say they only believe as far as it translated correctly, but I guess that is better than believing the bible even if it is translated incorrectly. The answer is always that they believe in another Jesus, well you may say that the versions perversions teach another Jesus also, (again so to speak).
As a sidebar I am on board with the PCE, I have spend money and time collecting them, I might add in Mormon seminary I had a Collins edition of the PCE, LOL.
But, in Utah pastors argue about “well Mormons can be saved” and still remain in Mormonism. Really! this is a real argument, because if you meet Mormons you would have to say they are really good people, they don’t steal, honest, compassionate, you know all the thing a Christian should be. There church may believe and teach strange things but they individually believe the in Jesus Christ. But do they? Which Jesus? How are they born again?
I could jump in to the doctrinal problems with versions perversions but that is a forgone conclusion with those who are up on the King James. There are perversions in teaching we may disagree with each other who use the King James on various issues, rapture, losing ones salvation, etc…. In light of this seemly contradicting problematic judgments of what is correct and what is just plain false mercy and grace, is what I speak too.
So what is most perplexing is not to lean to my own understanding but just trust what the word says. Now there are many verses that could be used to but let just use the seed one, since People of the Way has raise is that we just spread the seed, and let the Holy Spirit convict. Now if we are sowers of the seed what kind of seed does do we sow? We know that the enemy sow seed in the field that tares come by. We surly agree that one must be born again. Now what seed are we born again by?
Now Brother Tim, I do not have an intent that limits God from saving whosoever he will, at least I do not intent that. But in different dispensations God’s word was presented in different languages. If you do believe in the PCE, surly you must conclude that the King James Bible is God’s word for the time, not found in any other language. I must slightly disagree for the moment with your conclusion that some of God’s word is found in some perversion versions, I do not think any bible is found in perversion versions, it is all a lie. The full content of the Pure Word is what is at issue with that statement. If the word is corrupt it is corrupt. Truth is only truth if it is the whole truth. We live by every word that processed from the month of God. The greatest oxymoron is a half truth. The reality is if the word is so important that to change it has such dire consequences, we need to take this more serious. Or if enough bible is in their bible we can be saved using it, I don’t think Mormons are saved and as far as I know I don’t know if the so called main stream Christian Church are saved either, or I guess Billy Graham wasn’t doing that bad after all.
You can say one doctrine is a perversion and another can say the same about your doctrine, and others will agree or disagree, however what is our dogma is that the King James Bible is the word of God, and all others are false perversions, there is only one word of God today and it is found only in the King James Bible, today, or if we may the PCE.
I hope that is a good argument for the case I have implemented in this discussion. What say you?

Last edited by Scott Simons; 08-26-2008 at 05:26 PM.