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Old 08-01-2008, 09:50 PM
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chette777 chette777 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Puerto Princesa City, Palawan Philippines
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You will find it a hard to impossible task to resist the temptaion to sin as long as you are the one trying to do it even if you do it by memorizing scripture.

best to let the Holy Ghost be your strength by you reckoning your self dead to sin (by his leading) and alive to Christ, do not yield yourself to sin but yield yourself unto God as an instrument of righteousness(by his leading), and Judge yourself daily(by his leading) I think you can find the references easy enough.

I simply start my day asking God to forgive me, fill me and possess me with His Holy Ghost it is amazing as I finish the day in prayer and I find I went through the day without bad thoughts, heart and sin. And then all Glory goes to God and Jesus Christ and not to me for doing all i can. but letting Him do all He can.