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Old 06-19-2008, 09:33 AM
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Brother Tim Brother Tim is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Gainesville, FL
Posts: 864

George, I will attempt to answer your questions, however, I am preparing for VBS this next week and have much to do. It may take some time to respond completely.

To begin:
1. Do we preach and teach these things as being applicable to the New Testament church for today?
As with all Scripture, these verses and the events surrounding them must be taken in context. Of course, instructions given under specific circumstances must not be stretched beyond their boundaries. I am not in any way saying that there are not time periods in the Scriptures where God operated in different ways to accomplish His purposes. More later on this point.

2. Do we go out two by two?
I think that this is one of the most common methods for Baptist church visitation programs today. Maybe it is different over there in your isolated "paradise".

Must go.
Your brother,
Tim Keyes