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Old 06-18-2008, 07:25 PM
Posts: n/a

Hey Aj, I have something for you to think of.

Let's say for a minute that you have a son. (I don't know if you do or not, im using this to illustrate something to you.) His your only son and you love him with all your heart and you plan on giving him every thing that you have. Now let say your son joins the Marines, a war starts and he willingly goes to fight so that you don't have to. Now lets say while he is fighting the good fight a sniper shoots him and he dies. Now when you here of it while you are sad that he died but you are proud that he died for you, and your country.
Now lets say you are at the funeral and some jerk starts making fun of your son, he calls him baby killer, and all sorts of things that simply are not true.
Wouldn't that upset you; yea you’d would probably give the guy a fat lip at the very least.
Now take that and compare that to a Holy and Righteous God, who gave his only begotten Son, allowed him to become sin and die for the sins of mankind. And then some one lives his whole life blaspheming God's son, Calling him a liar and ignoring his sacrifice, you gonna tell me that God will just let that person into heaven without regard for his son the Lord Jesus? >>>Josh
Josh, what was the purpose for Jesus’ sacrifice?

The purpose was to eliminate the law that kills to the grace that gives life.

Solely on that note is mankind saved.

Behavior is a question of blessings and cursing.

“Into heaven”… is a term to denote a person having access to the new life in Jesus as heaven on earth!
In other words, God (Heaven) backs His word in His promises to us (earthly) as in “heaven on earth”!

That’s impossible, that would say that the Lord Jesus really didn't need to die, cause he was just going to let unrepentant Murderers, Child Perverts into heaven.>>>Josh

The soul of mankind is what Jesus came to save, not our works. Our works do absolutely nothing towards gaining salvation.

The good works belong only to God and it is by His good works (Jesus) that we have been granted (Gifted) salvation.

How could any of us taken any credit for it; by our good works?

God Is just, he does not tolerate sin, the only reason that we can come to him his because of his son.>>>Josh

That is absolutely correct, and that is why we pay as we go.

Remember, God will destroy his enemies, Paul said Phili 3:18-19 (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: 19 Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)Ps 2:2-5 2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, 3 Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. 4 He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. 5 Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.>>>Josh

Yes, again, evil behavior is dealt with as we go and God may or may not cut us off early from the land of the living.

The power of the will of mankind is conquered by Jesus, therefore, it no longer can hold us separate from God.

We can, however hold ourselves separate from God by our own will.

Aj, you can believe whatever you want to believe, if you want to believe that elephants can fly, that’s up to you, its a free country.
If you wasn’t to believe that even the most worst unrepentant sinner will get into heaven while rejecting the only begotten son of God who gave his life for all man, you may its your life.>>>Josh

Are you forgetting what saves us? Is it our good works? Our evil works? Well, whose works than, are we saved by?
If by Christ’s works, then what have we to do with it? Absolutely nothing for it is a gift!

Now, if we don’t allow God in Jesus to reign in our hearts, we are doomed to suffer in the flesh.

Look at the works of God for our understanding.

It is not wise to be teaching others, especially lost people that they need not to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ because hell is not real and God will let them into heaven regardless of them believing on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Hell is real, very real, and you can either let the Lord Jesus Christ pay for your sins on his cross, or you can spend eternity paying for your sins.>>>Josh

Josh, I thank you for the admonition, and I fully expect it. I don’t know how else to state it without seeming to be more enlightened than some on the word of God, but I see things quite differently which give nothing but glory an honor to God, Jesus and His Holy Spirit.

God did work with a purpose and in which we interpret it without clear understanding, giving reason to “We know not what we do”.

But if we do it with hope of God in our hearts, then even if we don’t understand it, we are covered by the blood of Jesus.

