Thread: New Wine?
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Old 06-18-2008, 06:25 PM
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there is a table wine you can buy today it has a low alcoholic level between 2 and 4% it is used when eating and it is usually sweet. many families in europe use this wine regularly even in Christian home's. this type of wine would be difficult to get drunk on because you would need to dring an excessive amount. wine drank with meals has been proven to help in digestion of food.

Wine's like Merot, Cabernei Sauvenau (sp?) are strong wines usually around 12%alcohol level. these wine when drank in small amounts help in the blood circulation and apetite of sick people who are having a hard time with illnesses that effect the stomach. also this wine would kill amieba (sp) in the water that was being drank. most old world nations have water tables polluted with them. Even here in the Philippines there are areas where the water cannot be drank even from a closed deep well do to them. alcohol will kill them if mixed with strong wines. wines eventually will turn to vinegar if left to long.

Also the Bible tells us the strong drink is for the physically weak and those about to die. the reason is obveious it helps deaden the pain. also it was recommended Biblically to give to the one who was mourning or heart broken to help cheer them. the sin is not inthe drinking of wine it is DRUNKENESS.