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Old 06-02-2008, 04:32 AM
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Biblestudent Biblestudent is offline
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Originally Posted by PB1789 View Post
To Bible Student:---Hello there. I've read several of your posts and have wondered ...hmmmm?...I wonder if...?

So, after reading some of your posts, and seeing that once you mentioned a "jeepney"--- ( I've been at Subic, Clark and Manilla)- I know what that is...I wonder if maybe---that KJ-A.V. Collins with a zipper got over to the P.I. and was used for good. Hope so, though I must say I am surprised because Tagalog is the Mother-tongue, and English is a second spoken language, but it is American English mostly learned from American Sailors/Soldiers/Airmen/Marines ---not the more lofty and difficult english of the A.V....therefore it is good to see your posts and to see that you have a webpage with your Baptist Church. Carry On! Hope your throat/voice get better!
"Hmmmm?" What does that mean? Seems to me that you are saying that if people send KJVs, English tracts, and Sunday School materials, these will all be in vain? That's how I understand. I read your reply at least 3X. Pardon me if I don't get it.

But let me tell you that I can preach in English for three hours, but can't finish a sermon in straight Tagalog. I speak Hiligaynon (Ilonggo) and English most of the time, and when I preached in Tagalog Manila last December (2007), my sermon was 95% English. Nope, Tagalog is not my "mother" tongue so to speak, but Filipino (mainly Tagalog) is the national language. In the mountains here in Panay Island (where Iloilo is), one old man remarked last month when I was there that people would get angry if you speak Tagalog to them. Furthermore, I am surprised that in that mountain Baptist church, they memorize and use the KJV and sing English and Hiligaynon hymns (but never Tagalog).

Sorry, if I "react" a bit. I know clearly and plainly that it is the desire of many, many, many, many, many, many Filipinos and very, very, very, very ambitious preachers to go to the USA, and I have been full aware that professional beggars and abusive opportunists take advantage of the goodhearted, mission-minded American Christians. So, I never ask anybody help of any kind, but let my requests made known to God. I am surprised that prayer does "move the hands the move the world"! So if God answers those prayers this way, then thank the Lord for those who offered help and those who asked me to ask. Praise the Lord for those who help me get help to help those who are asking for help.

Let me also admit that you were right in your "doubts". It's very important for those out there to check whether or not what they have given is used the way it is intended to be, as well as whether or not what they send is really useful or usable. Some people take things for granted during plenty, but begin begging again when in want. Very sad!

Lastly, I sincerely thank you for your encouragement. The website was a product of my "silent years". I have not done so much improvement on it because I'm back singin', teachin', and preachin'. I still have the polyp, but I have my voice back. Thank you for your prayers, Bro.! I still need it. THAT keeps me going for the Lord. That's one thing I covet most.

1 Thessalonians 5:25 Brethren, pray for us.

For the cause of Christ,
Bro. Sammy

Last edited by Biblestudent; 06-02-2008 at 04:47 AM.