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Old 05-15-2008, 04:57 PM
toiwnz toiwnz is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 20
Default Experience

I'm a Marine and been in the Marine Corps now for 3 1/2 years. I've been praying about this very subject discussed in this forum. I'm torn between the two sides. I've heard evidence to support both sides but still I am torn. I don't know how many of the people that have posted comments so far ever served but let me try to give the view from a saved person serving in the Military that is torn between both sides.

Reasons to get out of the Military
-Immorality amongst it's members (sometimes I feel like Lot living in Sodom
every time I go to work).
-The teaching of killing (Almost everything I do is combat related. All of my
training is to prepare me for combat. I've even went to a month long
school to learn how to kill and defend better in order to teach others. My
job itself deals with the ammunition that goes on the jets.).

-The option to pick and choose is gone. If the government wants to fight a
battle that I don't agree with, then I don't have an option. I have to fight
or risk going to prison which would hurt my wife and child.

- The lack of biblical teaching (even the chapalans have to be politically
correct now. In this nations past, biblical teachings were apart of the

Reasons to stay in the Military
-The fields are ready for harvest. There are so many lost that need to hear
the gospel either by word or seeing the christians in the military living it
through the lives. It's strange when a man doesn't go out with the guys to
get drunk and look for women. That is is a amazing witness for Christ.

- We help a lot of people whether is be through community services or relief
efforts. Being in a leadership position now, the Marines under me come to
me for help and advice and I use the scriptures to do this.

- It is a Job. Being a man with a wife and Kid, I must work

There are many more reasons that I have for both sides (such as swearing or taking oaths or providing for your family). This is something I must continually seek God on. I don't get out now until 2012 and at that I time I want to make sure I'm doing the Lord's will. When it comes to fighting I can say that I've been in for going on 4 years and never once been overseas. By no means is this mans doing. I now it was the Lord Keeping me. I'm not saying I don't want to go because if they sent me then I would go. Not with the intent to kill everything that moves but to protect the men under me and make sure they return safely. I appreciate all of the comments on here and they definetly given me something to think and pray about. I also thank you all for your work and finding the scriptures concerning this subject. Do remember that not every christian in the military is killing. We have many wonderful brothers and sisters in the military. Thanks again and sorry for the spelling mistakes (I guess I shouldn't went to college lol).