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Old 08-02-2009, 06:40 PM
Renee Renee is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Broken Arrow, OK
Posts: 152
Default Suplementing the income

Hi Brother Chette,

In one of our green houses (120ftx30ft) we had three different ways of growing. We had stagnent (where the nutrient water just sat and the lettuce grew on top; ebb and flow which speaks for itself; and I can't remember the name but the nutrient water flowed all the time. In the ebb and flow I had trays of chives in pebbles, basil in containers and I had a hugh Tomatoe plant that crawled all over everything. The tomatoe roots simply grew out of the seep holes from the container. I killed it before I got tomatoes because the plant was so healthy it wanted to kill everything else.

I think it was NFT, Nutrient film Tecnic.

It was a lot of work. Several times the aphids got established and we lost whole crops of lettuce and cilantro. (Our main crops.)

We had to find different ways to sprout things. Hawaii is so humid, if you missed one rinse (watering ) of the sprouts they rotted. I could not sprout in a jar.

What seeds do you sprout?

Don't make that greenhouse too big. Better two small ones. We tried lady bugs but the lizards ate them. I think mostly they drowned.

Aloha and God bless your growing efforts, both spiritual and earthy.