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Old 07-27-2009, 09:18 PM
custer custer is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Columbia KY
Posts: 74

There IS a man (singular) in a "leadership position" (a biblical church office) in I Timothy 3:1-7. There is only ONE bishop as opposed to plural "deacons" referred to in verses 8-13 of the same chapter. And this ONE MAN (that is to "take care of the church of God") is likened to A man RULING over his own house...we all know that there is to be just ONE MAN ruling his own house, not a plurality of leaders in the home. Again, this man is correlated to someone who RULES, not just another "ordinary Christian."

Those that are over us in the Lord are NOT to be treated like "ordinary Christians," according to Paul. We are "to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake." (I Thes. 5:12-13) And the "elders that RULE well" are to "be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine." (I Tim. 5:17)
