Thread: Thanks George!
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Old 07-17-2009, 02:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Cloudwalker View Post
Amen Sister.

I don't know everything about the man, but from what I have heard so far he seems to rightly divide the word and that would be the Authorized Version....

I probably wouldn't agree with him on everything myself, then again, like you said, he seems very humble and ALWAYS points to what Scripture says, not what other men say...I am very thankful that God has given us His book so that the Holy Ghost can do His job helping me understand His word and not to totally put my trust in men...but I do like Les' teachings on the good book...he's probably my favorite to listen to and I guess that labels me a Hyper or Ultra......that's ok, better than being labeled a Calvinist.

Forgive me but I also like this website...I'm sure most of you have heard or seen this also. I hope it's ok to post this website, I believe it lines up with what MOST people here believe.

Again, I'm not saying I agree with everything on this website...but then again, I'm not saying I don't either.

Grace, Sister!
I'm not familiar with Matthew McGee, so I will take a look at his website and compare with the KJV Bible and see how accurate it is. There are times when a man's teachings can help to clarify and uphold what the Bible says. There are other times when a man's teachings may be detrimental to our spiritual understanding. I am always hopeful that, with prayer and the working of the Holy Spirit, I am able to discern.

So, thanks for posting the website, brother.
