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Old 03-24-2008, 08:55 PM
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QUOTE from revangelist..."If any of you backslide or fall into sin or turn away from God or depart from the faith, believing the extreme doctrine of eternal security won't help you. You crying out to a holy God in repentance before you breath your last breath will be the only hope of salvation you have." end quote.

What an absurd statement for a christian to make. This is just catholic doctrine...pure and simple.

QUOTE "So you expect me to believe now that I'm a Christian, I no longer have free will? That's absurd. I can choose to be saved. That's it. Now I'm stuck." END QUOTE

I believe I am now seeing what your problem is. You have a problem with submitting yourself totally to GODS will. You dont want to give up YOU OWN free will, even if the exchange for it is eternal security..... your will is more important than God's will. If you consider being "stuck" with salvation as undesirable...I feel sorry for you.

Heb 10:12 But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God;
