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Old 05-15-2009, 11:27 PM
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chette777 chette777 is offline
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Location: Puerto Princesa City, Palawan Philippines
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I never read a KJV until 2003. I was an avid Bible studier and always had questions as to why one version said this and another that. I would end up in commentaries and Hebrew and Greek dictionaries trying to figure it all out. It was all so confusing.

One day a friend ask me to read a KJV and gave me a copy. I prayed God if you can show me some truth from this version I am open. From the first book in Genesis to the Revelation God opened my eyes to many truths and from that day forth I have bee reading and studying the KJV without any of the study tools except concordance.

I found a good English dictionary the Webster's unabridged in Sword Searcher is great. I am still looking for an unabridged Cambridge Dictionary any year since 1900 would be ok for me.

Nowadays it is so simple just to take God's word of the KJV and teach it. I don't fool around with Hebrew and Greek Dictionaries or commentaries anymore and life got a whole lot simpler. I simplified my work. or maybe as a Marine KJV preacher might say Simpler Fi. Hee Hee Hee no offense to you Marines out there just an ol pun for fun there