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Old 05-06-2009, 04:18 PM
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George George is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
Posts: 891
Default Re: "Sam Gipp's degree"

Can I ask why you joined this forum? You by your own admission from your website are
"extremely against the KJV only view. "
Now from the get go we on this forum can see your agenda, you are not here to discuss anything, but you are here to try and persuade a group of Born again Bible believers that their choice of One Book is wrong.
Aloha brother Steve,

You asked GREEKtim (the "name" says it ALL!): "why you joined this forum?" This remains a great "mystery" with me also. WHY? Why do King James Bible DENIERS join this Forum? And WHY do they always try to represent themselves as being "NEUTRAL", when all along they have a VICIOUS BIAS against God's Holy word? (i.e. - "I am extremely against the KJV only view.") I wouldn't "think" of joining his (or their) Forum - WHY do they come here? WHAT do they hope to accomplish? {They sure aren't here to "edify" the brethren! }

And you will notice - they are always so "NICE"; so "SMARMY"; so "INGRATIATING"; and sooo "POLITE" and "HUMBLE"! It's enough to make a grown man sick! Check out where a young man has gone to college or "bible" school and, nearly all the time, you can tell what he believes.

These so-called "bible" schools and "christian" colleges are turning out the same cookie cutter graduates (by the hundreds) who "regurgetate" what they have learned from their apostate "theological professors" - and yet, they have no idea WHERE God's word is, or WHAT it is. But they are absolutely SURE of one thing - that it can't be the King James Bible, and they are willing to join a "AV1611 Forum" and "innocently" try to pass themselves off as "neutral" observers, while all the time harboring an "extreme" bias against the Book that most of us believe in and honor.

Does the word disingenuous come to mind? Does the word deceitful come to mind? Does the word SUBTLE come to mind? These kind of "Christians" literally make me sick! I can put up with drunks, dopers, and ordinary every day sinners (like me), before I can put up with a pretentious "Christian" that is two-faced and full of GUILE!

DUPLICITOUS and FEIGNED conduct on the part of a "Christian" (a "pastor" at that) is not only inappropriate and unbecoming, it also dishonors the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and is a reproach to the ministry to which "greektim" is supposedly called.

If you doubt what I have said about Humanistic influence on today's churches and "Christian" education, you only have to read greektim's Threads & Posts, and his "responses" to others on the Forum to see the results!

Proverbs 26:12 Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him.