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Old 04-27-2009, 10:03 AM
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tonybones2112 tonybones2112 is offline
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Originally Posted by hollister View Post
Thank you all for your responses! Much to read through and I'm taking my time doing so. I agree with you all about study Bibles...what I meant was reference bibles where they link you to verses of like subjects. I prefer not to use Bibles with notes as well (it's what I used when I first got saved, and I ended up reading the notes more than Scripture!!). And thank you for clarifying who Scofield was!

I'm wrapping up my school year (I'm a homeschooling mom ) and then plan to go through that study that was shared...thank you for that! I think it will be a great help as this is all new to me. (We moved to the mainland from Hawaii and when we did, became convicted about the type of church we had been attending and the way the Bible was handled...ended up at an independent Baptist church where the word of God is very much respected and taught with reverence!).

I appreciate all of your wisdom and will study these posts and links.

God bless!
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