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Old 04-26-2009, 05:54 PM
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Originally Posted by George View Post

I have found that the two most effective things that have "convinced" those Christians who are genuinely searching for God's Holy words have been:

#1. "The Internal Evidence" - That is, what does God have to say about His word, as recorded in the King James Bible.

#2. "A Verse by Verse Comparison" - of modern versions with the King James Bible in many of the most obvious places where they (the modern versions) differ (sometimes radically) from the King James Bible.

If a Christian is truly looking for "the Scripture of truth", the Holy Spirit will use these two areas and convince them of the truth, regardless of how much time they may spend, or how much knowledge they may have about those other areas.

And if the "internal Evidence" and the "Verse Comparison's" don't "convince" them of the truth - all of the "intellectual" and "academic" attempts to convince them with the all of those other things will not convince them - no matter how long you have studied the issue out; and no matter how hard you may try to persuade them with the knowledge you may attain.
I agree with Brother George.

One can study manuscript history and yet may end up believing the KJV halfheartedly. I used to think that the facts of Bible history would be enough to convince any skeptic; but by personal experience in dealing with people,the "two areas" (internal evidence and Bible comparison) would have to be the meat, and manuscript evidence the dessert.