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Old 03-04-2009, 02:25 PM
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Default Re: "CALVINISM: Sound Doctrine?"

Originally Posted by PB1789 View Post
"George my post above was to Gord. It is obvious that you have your mind made up already. You are invited to click on any one of those free sites to access information though.

I did not mention you by name for a reason. The Thread that you started and your "Amen" corner on this website tend to drown out anyone that doesn't follow the writings of the guy from Pensacola. Someone else (one of your fans) wrote the line about TULIP being a wilting flower. I know you read all the "attaboys" that they post. With each one of their approval smiley faces, you are recharged and go on for another anti-Calvinism post.

It was someone else that spelled armEnian rather than Arminians... typical of the anti-Reformation crowd. Many folks buy whole-hog the Arminian "Remonstrance" yet don't even know that it was written before the TULIP.

BTW- Please do read the Word of God. But, this time while reading John's Gospel please do not skip over John 6, John 10 or John 17. Calvinism starts at Gen. 1:1 and goes all the way through the Bible... without using a meat cleaver to cut the parts that don't fit into the worldview of the Free-Will folks.

Gord: --- If you are reading this please: Click on the links I posted. I was simply trying to give you an answer to your post without taking up a whole page of bandwidth. "Great is the Lord - and greatly to be praised!

{oops- the wikipedia link should have had another / in the address
To PB1789,

My address was to ALL (on the Forum - including you) and, the last time I checked, I'm still free to express my comments here (whether you like it, or not).

"George my post above was to Gord."
The reason I bothered to reply to your Post, is because of your off-hand remarks that cast aspersions on not only me, but others on this Forum. I would have left well enough alone, had you refrained from making your disparaging comments.

Please note:

Your snide remarks, insinuating comments, and innuendo are fairly typical of the "feminized" American Christian man. Instead of standing up (like a real man), and calling a spade, a spade - through innuendo, implication, insinuation, and imputation you "hint" at many people, and cast aspersions, without ever coming out (like a real man) and just say what you mean. Too bad, but that's you're problem - it certainly is not mine!

It seems to me that we both have our minds "made up" - the only difference being that, while I have backed up my beliefs by specifically quoting dozens of verses from the Holy Bible and making application, you have referred to men; and instead of "quoting" verses and applying them, all you have done is cite verse references without any application, i.e.:

"BTW- Please do read the Word of God. But, this time while reading John's Gospel please do not skip over John 6, John 10 or John 17. Calvinism starts at Gen. 1:1 and goes all the way through the Bible... without using a meat cleaver to cut the parts that don't fit into the worldview of the Free-Will folks."
Citing verses in support of a doctrine (Calvinism), without making any application, doesn't PROVE anything, except the fact that you, yourself, may be unable to defend your beliefs, and so you depend on other men to do your thinking for you.

I reviewed several of our encounters since you joined the Forum last May, and was reminded that we have "clashed" in the past (Over the King James Bible issue and Calvinism), and that each time you fail to back up what you believe, so it is no surprise to me now that you "skinny out" again with the lame excuse that: "your "Amen" corner on this website tend to drown out anyone that doesn't follow the writings of the guy from Pensacola."; "I know you read all the "attaboys" that they post. With each one of their approval smiley faces, you are recharged and go on for another anti-Calvinism post."

I don't know - HOW you know, how I feel when I read other people's Posts, but maybe you are clairvoyant. If I didn't know better though, I would suspect that there might be just a tinge of jealousy there, but that couldn't be possible - could it?

Your quote:
"It was someone else that spelled armEnian rather than Arminians... typical of the anti-Reformation crowd. Many folks buy whole-hog the Arminian "Remonstrance" yet don't even know that it was written before the TULIP."
I've got "news" for you. My "Remonstrance" is NOT Arminian, and it was NOT written BEFORE T.U.L.I.P.! I just wrote it this year - without referring once to other men (especially that guy in Pensacola!). My "Remonstrance" comes from comparing Scripture with Scripture and then comparing those Scriptures with Calvinistic doctrine.

Your weak attempt to "classify" and "label" all of us who disagree with you and your beliefs as the "the Free-Will folks", is the "last refuge" of a man who is unable to defend what he believes, and ends up calling people names! SAD!

The Title of this Thread is "Calvinism: Sound Doctrine?". I have asked the question - Is Calvinism sound doctrine? I have compared what Calvinists have said in defense of their doctrine, and have demonstrated (from the Scriptures) that much of Calvinistic doctrine is contrary to the Holy Scriptures. It is up to the people on this Forum to examine (for themselves) whether what I have presented is true or not. Ultimately it is up to each of us to: "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." [2 Timothy 2:15]

The commandment is to Study the Scriptures; Read the Scriptures; Search the Scriptures; NOT Study, Read, and Search the Writings of mere MEN! I urge everyone on this Forum to obey God's commandment and do their own reading, studying, and searching, and not rely on Men {and that includes me!}.

Psalms 118:8 It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.