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Old 02-25-2009, 04:05 AM
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Originally Posted by chette777 View Post
As in the days of Noe

I have mentioned this before in another the post. the increase in the height of basketball players to 8 foot on average, Hitler's WWII experiment led to taller race of people currently living in Germany, Hulk Hogan who in the seventies was one of the biggest men now is dwarfed by the WWF entertainment wrestlers today, Mormons Missionaries are getting taller. Chinese are getting taller.

All of these could be a result of activities going on by devils in the world today especially with all the new Genetic Science, which I don't think man came up with it all on his own. T he Devils may have been experimenting in genetics in the time Genesis before the flood.
How would you think this is being done? Do you think it's something in our diets that is causing these changes? Is it possible that this observed change in average height is coincidental? I think it is, though I don't doubt for a minute that the devils will resume (if they haven't begun already) the activities they were involved in in Noah's day. To me, I'd be more willing to believe they're involved in such activities if we saw more people with six toes and fingers or other stange phenomena (i'm tired, I hope that's spelled right).

Peace and Love,