Thread: Three Heavens
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Old 02-23-2009, 09:38 PM
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Originally Posted by chette777 View Post

Kent Hovin is not a church nor is his organization, Para church at best. Every person receiving money from a church or non profit organzation is supposed to report it as income (that would fall under Romans 13) whether on a W2 or 1040 or not. You must file if it is place on a W2 or a 1040 by the church or NPO. IRS is very clear on it.

Cash gifts deleivered to your hand by an individual as a gift do not count. but churches that collect money for missionaries and other groups and then pass it on to them MUST file a 1040 for the person or group receiving it. that is the law of the Governing authority. Also all employees and non employess receiving monthly or weekly allowances from the church or NPO, that is to be reported yearly on a W2 or 1040 form. and the person is required to file a tax form.

the IRS issue had nothing to do with the church but that those receving money through the non profit org who were not paying taxes. and the fact that his NOP didn't report that these peopel Himself and others were receving income from the org as prescribed by law of the governing authority show he was in clear violation of the Governing Authority.

I have no doubt people in high places were after him his teaching was 99% true. But if he had done things according to the LAW of the Governing Authority (Romans 13) he would have never got caught in disobedience.

But know this, Kent is also known for some Preterist views in some of his theology, and to be part of a movement to get America under Bible Commandments. (DeMarr's group)

Part of that movements view is not to pay taxes. First off, it is wrong for any Christian man to teach it, for it would place another Christian man under desobediane to Gods word in Romans 13 if he followed that teaching of not paying taxes.

I hope that clears up a little for you on the tax issue. the Moral of the Story stay in line with the Law so when they come they have nothing which to claim aginast you. but will praise you for being good. 1Pe 3:16 ¶ Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ.
I am not concerned with what Kent Hovind does or did with the money that he was given by his supporters. Kent Hovind is not an idiot, and he doesn't seem like the kind of guy that would just blatantly ignore a rightly divided doctrine of the Scriptures. But anyways, the point I wanted to make (I really didn't want to get into it over this issue) was that I don't like the way you share the Gap theory so matter of factly. You are a very knowledgable Chette and some folks will believe what you say just because you said it. I'd like to see you keep that in mind when you share things like the Gap theory.

Peace and Love,