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Old 02-12-2009, 05:05 PM
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Brother Chette,

Originally Posted by chette777 View Post
I don't think Daniel is saying say there are two resurrections but one resurrection with two outcomes. I think he only sees the GWT judgment resurrection
Daniel said "at that time". I think he saw two resurrections (or mabye, better said two kinds of resurrections)"at that time".

I have a more recent sermon entitled "AT THE LAST DAY", and it goes like this:
1.Job believes he will be resurrected "at the latter day".
2. Daniel saw a resurrection "at that time".
3. Jesus said the resurrection will be at "the last day".
4. Martha believes there is a resurrection "at the last day".
5. John who wrote John 5 (Jesus) and John 11 (Martha) explained in Revelation that that last day is a THOUSAND YEARS and that the FIRST RESURRECTION happens before it and the last resurrection happens after it.
Job, Daniel, Jesus, and Martha -- all of them believe the resurrection will be at a "last time" or at the "last day". Then Jesus revealed to John later on (progressive revelation) that that day is a thousand years and that the "two" resurrections are separated by the thousand years.

Revelation 20 the first resurrection is the dead who died during the tribulation for their testimony to live and reign 1000 years with Christ. And a second resurrection of the dead from all times before. some who will rise to everlasting life and some to everlasting contempt.
In the light of the above, I believe the first resurrection is the most awaited "day" by the OT saints and those NT saints under the Kingdom gospel (that includes the Twelve and the Tribulation saints). The twelve apostles are looking forward to this resurrection (see last verses of Matthew 19), and John says, "THIS IS IT that we've been waiting for."

The first resurrection has been the subject of OT and NT prophecies, but the Rapture of the Church (Body of Christ) was skipped over for it is a mystery revealed to an apostle (Paul).

I hope this doesn't sound "hyperdispy", but I believe God has different promises to different groups of people living at different times. I had been taught that at the Rapture, all saints from Adam to the Church Age will be raptured. But now I see things in a different light:
1. OT saints are looking forward to a day.
2. The Twelve apostles and others under their ministry are looking forward to a day.
3. God carried John over to that day (Rev. 1:10) and gave him the Revelation of that day.
4. One of the great events that will start that day is the resurrection, and John wrote in Revelation 19, "THIS IS the first resurrection."
I know this is contrary to what some of my teachers have taught. I believe the rapture is a mystery event for the mystery body under a mystery gospel, and the prophesied resurrection is promised by OT and NT prophets to people under a prophetic gospel; but all receive the reward promised them by the same Lord.