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Old 11-14-2008, 11:25 PM
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stephanos stephanos is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Wenatchee WA
Posts: 885

Yep, it's a bigger movement then most people realize. I'm seeing articles online all the time, and not only that but I've seen programs on hellivision with representatives from all different sorts of 'religions' that are preaching this (tolerance, coexist, anti-"hate" speech) junk (gospel of the Devil is what it really is). It worries me a bit, because the general Church (the non Bible Believers) will buy into this humanist junk, without discerning Pastors to warn them about it. The problem is is that Ecumenism has become a word that no longer means the cooperation between different Christian denominations, but the cooperation of fundamentally different religions. Just look at the Facebook group http : // called coexist (this is so rhetorical it's rediculous). Then look at the 'officers' of this group:

Leighann G. (Cincinnati, OH)

Audrey M (Eureka Senior High)
Satanist (confused teenager)

Forest Davis (Lakeland CC)
Love Is My Religion

Michael Israel (Pittsburgh)

Radhika Sharma (UC Davis)
Agnostic Hindu (WHAT!?)

Nick Brown (City Honors School)
Atheist/Unitarian Universalist (seriously? I'd say this guy is beyond confused)

Joe Caldwell (West Branch High School)
Buddhist Atheist

Rawan Shawar (American University of Sharjah)

Justin Drama Perry (Cincinnati)
Non-Religious Transhumanist (i'm sorry but there is no such thing)

Jonathan Deane (UMBC)
Sola Scriptura Christian (HYPOCRITE, and LIAR!)

Brian 'Red' Kurtz (Penn State)

Dave Custer (Virginia Tech)
Agnostic Buddhist

Corey Pierce (Michigan State University)
Non-Denominational Spiritualist
This movement IS the bedrock of the forthcoming One World Religion, and these folks are the foot soldiers that are desensitising folks in preparation for it. Oh, and did I mention that this group has 78,630 members? Seriously...

We all need to be strong, stick to our guns (the KJB) and encourage those that profess faith in Jesus Christ to trust in the Bible. The Bible is clear about this subject:

2 Corinthians 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

Peace and Love,

Last edited by stephanos; 11-14-2008 at 11:31 PM.