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geologist 12-13-2008 06:59 AM

Genesis Gap Theory - The Movie
I am producing an instructional movie on the Ruin-Reconstruction (Gap Theory) interpretation of Genesis. Here is a link to more information: The Movie Project.

I am posting this to get the word out, as I need artistic assistance from other Bible Believers.
Thank you.

Biblestudent 12-13-2008 09:18 AM

I wish I can help. I'm a self-taught composer and trying-hard animator - nothing close to what you need. Well, I'd be helping pray about your project. I did try doing something like it, but here you are - looks like an answer to prayer!


MC1171611 12-13-2008 10:16 AM

I have Logic Express at church (audio composing software), I can get Final Cut if necessary, and I'm a beginner at Blender 3D modeling. I don't know if any of that would come in handy, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

geologist 12-13-2008 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Biblestudent (Post 13003)
I wish I can help. I'm a self-taught composer and trying-hard animator - nothing close to what you need. Well, I'd be helping pray about your project. I did try doing something like it, but here you are - looks like an answer to prayer!


If you are a trying-hard animator, you might be able to help. I'll be posting more specifics on the animation needed soon. Appreciate the prayers for this effort.

geologist 12-13-2008 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by MC1171611 (Post 13008)
I have Logic Express at church (audio composing software), I can get Final Cut if necessary, and I'm a beginner at Blender 3D modeling. I don't know if any of that would come in handy, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

Blender can be used to do animation illustrations. Keep in touch.

Biblestudent 12-13-2008 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by geologist (Post 13013)
If you are a trying-hard animator, you might be able to help.

By "trying-hard", I mean, I make simple drawings and exhaust powerpoint animations available for some of my Bible lessons, and use moviemaker for some video lectures.

I'm only interested in learning animations to better illustrate Biblical doctrine and teaching, so I'm glad you're doing this project. But should I be of "any" use to the project, of course, I'm willing to "try hard"!:)

(By the way, I have a preacher-artist friend here whom I often ask to draw illustrations for me. I'll see if he's willing or has the time, just in case you need someone like him. Maybe, that's the best I can do to help - "just in case".)

MC1171611 12-13-2008 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Biblestudent (Post 13031)
By "trying-hard", I mean, I make simple drawings and exhaust powerpoint animations available for some of my Bible lessons, and use moviemaker for some video lectures.

I'm only interested in learning animations to better illustrate Biblical doctrine and teaching, so I'm glad you're doing this project. But should I be of "any" use to the project, of course, I'm willing to "try hard"!:)

(By the way, I have a preacher-artist friend here whom I often ask to draw illustrations for me. I'll see if he's willing or has the time, just in case you need someone like him. Maybe, that's the best I can do to help - "just in case".)

Brother, you need a Mac! Keynote is infinitely superior to Powerpoint, I can assure you...I would advise any missionary to invest in a MacBook or a MacBook Pro before even beginning deputation.

*loves his MacBook Pro!*

Biblestudent 12-13-2008 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by MC1171611 (Post 13038)
Brother, you need a Mac! Keynote is infinitely superior to Powerpoint, I can assure you...I would advise any missionary to invest in a MacBook or a MacBook Pro before even beginning deputation.

*loves his MacBook Pro!*

Looks interesting. They're not yet common here, and might be very expensive.

MC1171611 12-13-2008 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Biblestudent (Post 13065)
Looks interesting. They're not yet common here, and might be very expensive.

Quite understandable; even in Chile where technology is cheaper than most places, Apple hardware is usually 40% to 50% more expensive, even used. However, if you ever visited the US, I would suggest at least trying out a Mac. No viruses, no spyware; mine has been running for close to 20 days with no issues at all.

It's an investment where PC hardware is an expense. :)

geologist 12-14-2008 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by geologist (Post 12999)
I am producing an instructional movie on the Ruin-Reconstruction (Gap Theory) interpretation of Genesis. Here is a link to more information: The Movie Project.

I am posting this to get the word out, as I need artistic assistance from other Bible Believers.
Thank you.

I have added additional pages and information. One page shows some examples of the artwork types I am looking for. I have also added a Picture Gallery program where you can upload your original picture files or files you have found elsewhere on the Internet. In the case of the latter, be sure to leave a note explaining the URL where it is found and, if available, contact information for the owner.

If you have video/animation clips available, contact me and I will send you login info so you can upload the files by FTP.

Thanks to all in this forum for getting the word out on this project.

Tandi 12-17-2008 06:38 PM

I look forward to the completion of this project and have been reading the articles at your site with interest!

geologist 12-21-2008 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Tandi (Post 13340)
I look forward to the completion of this project and have been reading the articles at your site with interest!

It looks like it is going to be a long-haul project. Locating and getting the rights to the necessary artwork is turning out to be somewhat problematic. Either prospective contributors with the right materials don't want to help the project, because they don't believe in a literal Bible, or they want money for their work. Can't blame them for the latter. Times are tough.

Everyone, please get the word out to any artists you might know and please point them to this project:
Thanks, and Merry Christmas, all.

Biblestudent 12-22-2008 12:16 AM

I keep praying for the project. I'll see what I can do. Busy here, and I need to learn about "animations" yet.:ranger:

geologist 12-22-2008 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by Biblestudent (Post 13522)
I keep praying for the project. I'll see what I can do. Busy here, and I need to learn about "animations" yet.:ranger:

Keep the prayers coming!!! This morning I got an email from a lady who is an artist. She wants to help, but all her art supplies were just stolen (coincidence?). She says, once she get them replaced she will be available to help.

Tandi 12-23-2008 05:40 PM

Hi Geologist,

Could you possibly consider podcasts of your online articles? This might be an additional effective way to get your message out. I enjoy listening to the free sermon/teaching podcasts at itunes and tend to retain more of the information by playing them over and over again. :)


geologist 12-24-2008 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by Tandi (Post 13604)
Hi Geologist,

Could you possibly consider podcasts of your online articles? This might be an additional effective way to get your message out. I enjoy listening to the free sermon/teaching podcasts at itunes and tend to retain more of the information by playing them over and over again. :)

I don't know too much about podcasting. How would I go about doing that (where and how).

MC1171611 12-24-2008 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by geologist (Post 13641)
I don't know too much about podcasting. How would I go about doing that (where and how).

1) Get a Mac

2) Use GarageBand (free with every Mac) to record or edit the material.

3) Publish via iTunes right from GarageBand

Obviously the "Get a Mac" part is my own personal advice to anyone who breathes or eats food, but that is, to my knowledge, the best way to publish podcasts.

geologist 12-24-2008 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by MC1171611 (Post 13645)
1) Get a Mac

2) Use GarageBand (free with every Mac) to record or edit the material.

3) Publish via iTunes right from GarageBand

Obviously the "Get a Mac" part is my own personal advice to anyone who breathes or eats food, but that is, to my knowledge, the best way to publish podcasts.

"1 Get a Mac" Are you kidding? Out of the question. I just upgraded to a new PC system with 1.75 TB of video disk storage space, 8 gig ram and duel monitors. Why would I want an old Mac dinosaur? - smile.

"2) Use GarageBand (free with every Mac) to record or edit the material." Unnecessary, I have a Sony Vegas Pro 8 system and do my recording and editing on it. And, I can render ipod formatted .mov files (and many other formats) without a problem.

My question should have been, where is the BEST place to publish ipod content to reach Bible Believers? There is little use just throwing a podcast out into cyberspace to compete with the millions of others of junk and trash going out everyday. Without a clear target, why waste the effort?

MC1171611 12-24-2008 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by geologist (Post 13655)
My question should have been, where is the BEST place to publish ipod content to reach Bible Believers? There is little use just throwing a podcast out into cyberspace to compete with the millions of others of junk and trash going out everyday. Without a clear target, why waste the effort?

Put it on iTunes by following the instructions HERE. Then put links to the podcast channel on your site, or email it to people in a mailing list, that sort of thing.

And next time you have to upgrade a computer, consider a Mac; Apple computers are second-to-none in the design/animation/production world, hands down. Not to mention that you'll never waste a dime on anti-virus software.

Diligent 12-24-2008 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by MC1171611 (Post 13668)
And next time you have to upgrade a computer, consider a Mac; Apple computers are second-to-none in the design/animation/production world, hands down. Not to mention that you'll never waste a dime on anti-virus software.

I realize this is really off-topic, but the above should be taken as only opinion. The Mac has its share of security problems and the notion that Mac computers are inherently more secure than a modern Windows PC is a total myth.

I have owned a Mac and even done development on a Mac. I would highly suggest against spending money on a Mac. A modern Windows PC has far more bang-for-the-buck and you don't have to run compatibility layers like Crossover just to run the software you want to use.

But lets try not to hijack the thread further. ;)

Tandi 12-25-2008 10:13 AM

Searching for podcasts
When I was searching for information, I just typed

gap theory podcast

into the google box. That brought me to sermonaudio.com where I found two sermons....both refuting the gap theory (Watson and McCabe). Yet I was not convinced by either of them, having read your articles, Geologist, and some other articles online. I am also reading Custance and have another book on order.

Here is the link to a page with Gap podcasts.


I see that there are a few more I have not listened to as yet.

This Sermon Audio site will provide information on submitting a podcast. I look forward to a pro-Gap podcast to balance the available teachings as I weigh the evidence pro and con.

BTW, I am using a 2005 model Mac Mini that has been completely reliable. I have never experienced dreaded viruses, etc. I recently purchased a Macbook. I love Macs....they are cute and easy to use! Glad to see another Mac fan on this forum!

MC1171611 12-25-2008 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by Tandi (Post 13715)
BTW, I am using a 2005 model Mac Mini that has been completely reliable. I have never experienced dreaded viruses, etc. I recently purchased a Macbook. I love Macs....they are cute and easy to use! Glad to see another Mac fan on this forum!

It's like the Bible version issue: until you've learned the facts, any ol' computer will do. ;)

-Vince, a King James Bible-Believer and Apple Fan :D

On topic, there are sites, like SermonAudio, that will let you put your sermons/podcasts right online, but iTunes will let you syndicate them, and people can subscribe and have the audio go right onto their iPods whenever you release a new 'cast.

Geologist, what do you think of Gerardius Bouw? www.geocentricity.com

geologist 12-25-2008 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by MC1171611 (Post 13717)
Geologist, what do you think of Gerardius Bouw? www.geocentricity.com

Not much!

Well, on Saturday my too short Christmas vacation back home in West Virginia ends and we drive to Washington DC to catch an overnight flight back to Kuwait. Although I am not exactly thrilled about spending at least another year there, I am looking forward to seeing my three cats and dog again. I'm also looking forward to begin putting together the movie.

The latter will be an up-hill challenge. I must assume that I will be the first person to produce a pro "Gap Theory" teaching movie. I am sure that there must be more than a couple of anti-gap YEC film productions out there; slick semi-Hollywood quality productions financed by some deep pockets (and collection plates). Oh well, if I did not believe what I believe I would not even attempt this and would be completely overwhelmed with the prospect. I am not. I'm looking forward to the challenge.

I appreciate all the prayers that have been offered on behalf of this project and ask for your continued prayers of support. One thing I am NOT going to do is to put-down fellow believers, even if we don't agree on this particular doctrinal issue. All I want to do is present the Biblical and Geological facts, and let the viewer decide for his/her self. If this project is not to God's glory, and will not lead anyone to find Jesus Christ, then it should die on the vine. And, if it does, so be it.
God bless everyone. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

MC1171611 12-25-2008 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by MC1171611 (Post 13717)
Geologist, what do you think of Gerardius Bouw? www.geocentricity.com


Originally Posted by geologist (Post 13728)
Not much!

Hmm...not quite the factual reply I was seeking. I know several people, PBI grads included, that are intrigued with Dr. Bouw's material; in case you didn't know, Dr. Ruckman firmly believes in the Gap and teaches it as factual at PBI.

Tandi 12-26-2008 05:44 AM

Hello Vince,

I have been intrigued with Geocentricity for many years. I have corresponded with Dr. Bouw on occasion and subscribed to his Biblical Astronomer publication. I also have his books. It is great to hear that he is getting a wider audience. I tend to accept geocentrism....yet I do not have a scientific background, so most of it is over my head. Still, it is faithful to Scripture....and plausible, even according to its critics.

Recently I came across excellent KJV defense audio sermons by Dr. Thomas Strouse, who apparently is a Geocentrist as well.


geologist 01-15-2009 03:19 AM

Preview of Movie Opening
I have placed a short preview test of the movie opening on the Johnson Imagineering website. The video is at the bottom of the page. Follow the instructions to activate the viewer.

This test screening will give you an idea of the production quality and style.

My question for you is, "Does this get your attention and interest?" Feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance

Biblestudent 01-15-2009 09:18 AM

Wonderful! I'm looking forward to the completion of the movie.

Tandi 01-15-2009 09:19 AM


I am trying to watch the video now on my slow dial-up connection. The first 42 seconds look great so far! It captures my interest.....but I am already interested. Beautiful pictures and music and narration.

Godspeed on the production. More feedback after I've seen it all.



geologist 01-15-2009 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Biblestudent (Post 14526)
Wonderful! I'm looking forward to the completion of the movie.

And I just got some wonderful news, only a few minutes ago. The composer, (one of two whose music I used for the opening sequence), has volunteered to custom score the entire movie. So, this project now has an experienced Hollywood epic music composer. That is a major prayer answered.

Tandi 01-15-2009 09:31 AM

Wow! Just beautiful. Hauntingly beautiful. The angelic music stays in my head. The depiction of "the deep" is just as I imagined it myself. The mention of the Bible's first mystery makes me want to hear more. I am impressed. You are very talented and I wish you all the best.



Tandi 01-15-2009 10:19 AM

My husband just watched it. His comments:

"A good beginning"

Then he quipped, "Ask him did it take billions and billions of years to do it.":)



geologist 01-20-2009 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Tandi (Post 14530)
My husband just watched it. His comments:
"A good beginning"
Then he quipped, "Ask him did it take billions and billions of years to do it.":)

No, just billions and billions of pixels, and that is only the beginning - smile.

MC1171611 01-20-2009 10:08 PM

I was playing with creating a 3D representation of the Pre-Ademic earth the other day in Blender; I suppose my biggest problem was that I was trying to make the pyramid as if it were made of glass (1 Cor. 13:12) but I couldn't get the lighting to work on the inside of the pyramid.

Oh well; perhaps I should work on something a little less dramatic and a little more simple.

geologist 01-21-2009 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by MC1171611 (Post 14694)
I was playing with creating a 3D representation of the Pre-Ademic earth the other day in Blender; I suppose my biggest problem was that I was trying to make the pyramid as if it were made of glass (1 Cor. 13:12) but I couldn't get the lighting to work on the inside of the pyramid.

Oh well; perhaps I should work on something a little less dramatic and a little more simple.

Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly does a pyramid have to do with the pre-Adamic Earth? Please enlighten me.

MC1171611 01-21-2009 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by geologist (Post 14730)
Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly does a pyramid have to do with the pre-Adamic Earth? Please enlighten me.

We believe that the universe is shaped like a pyramid; God's throne is referred to as a mountain, and among other things, it's said to be seated on the "sides of the North." The New Jerusalem is built "four square," and while many believe that represents a cube, a pyramid is much more likely from a Biblical standpoint. Also, the Great Pyramid at Giza can be viewed as a testimony to God and the Lord Jesus Christ (Is. 19:19); the missing capstone can be viewed as the "Stone the builders rejected," or a picture of the incomplete nature of the Creation.

There's a lot in there, but there's a general consensus among many Bible Believers that the universe is indeed shaped like a pyramid with Heaven at the top (through the Great Sea/Crystal Sea), space in the middle, and the Deep (Great Deep) at the bottom. I have some charts somewhere but I think I misplaced them...I'll see if I can find them.

geologist 01-21-2009 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by MC1171611 (Post 14736)
Also, the Great Pyramid at Giza can be viewed as a testimony to God and the Lord Jesus Christ (Is. 19:19); the missing capstone can be viewed as the "Stone the builders rejected," or a picture of the incomplete nature of the Creation.

There's a lot in there, but there's a general consensus among many Bible Believers that the universe is indeed shaped like a pyramid with Heaven at the top (through the Great Sea/Crystal Sea), space in the middle, and the Deep (Great Deep) at the bottom. I have some charts somewhere but I think I misplaced them...I'll see if I can find them.

A couple of points: The stone the builders rejected was a corner stone, not a cap stone. The Pyramid does not represent the shape of the pre-Adamite universe, because the Great Crystal Sea (between the second and third heaven was only established by the Lord at the beginning of the present Creation (on second day).

The Charts you are looking for are found in Clarance Larkin's "Dispensational Truth"

MC1171611 01-21-2009 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by geologist (Post 14740)
A couple of points: The stone the builders rejected was a corner stone, not a cap stone. The Pyramid does not represent the shape of the pre-Adamite universe, because the Great Crystal Sea (between the second and third heaven was only established by the Lord at the beginning of the present Creation (on second day).

The Charts you are looking for are found in Clarance Larkin's "Dispensational Truth"

I've also possessed charts by others as well; I've even made some of my own on occasion. I've not seen any material to dissuade me from what I've said here; while the Sea did not exist until Genesis 1:6, there is nothing to suggest that the makeup of the universe or the shape changed.

Modern engineering declares the cornerstone to be part of the foundation of the building, putting it at the bottom of the structure. However, Jesus is referred to as the chief or highest (not to get all Greeky on ya) cornerstone, and where on a pyramid do more corners meet than at the peak? The fact that this place also represents Heaven beyond the Sea, the very seat of the Builder Whom the Jews rejected, also points toward this as a very plausible explanation of the terminology.

geologist 01-21-2009 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by MC1171611 (Post 14741)
I've also possessed charts by others as well; I've even made some of my own on occasion. I've not seen any material to dissuade me from what I've said here; while the Sea did not exist until Genesis 1:6, there is nothing to suggest that the makeup of the universe or the shape changed.

I was not questioning your beliefs; I was merely pointing out a couple of facts. That being said, let's steer this thread back to the topic of making the movie.

I have a specific, urgent need for illustrations or animation depicting the passages of Ezekiel 28:11-17 and Isaiah 14:12-16. These are passages concerning the stewardship and fall of Lucifer the Anointed Cherub and his followers, the fallen angels. This might be something you could put your skills at Blender to work on, if you are interested.

MC1171611 01-21-2009 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by geologist (Post 14746)
I was not questioning your beliefs; I was merely pointing out a couple of facts. That being said, let's steer this thread back to the topic of making the movie.

I have a specific, urgent need for illustrations or animation depicting the passages of Ezekiel 28:11-17 and Isaiah 14:12-16. These are passages concerning the stewardship and fall of Lucifer the Anointed Cherub and his followers, the fallen angels. This might be something you could put your skills at Blender to work on, if you are interested.

Unfortunately my attempts at realistic modeling of creatures, even with pictures to copy from, are very sub-par; I'm still a beginner in practice, though I'm an intermediate in concept (maybe!). If I find something that I can work with as far as a dragon goes, I'll give you a holler...

It would be cool to be able to model the reptilian Cherub (serpent, coverng Cherub, precious stones covering as scales; other cherubs represent other land creatures except reptiles).

geologist 01-22-2009 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by MC1171611 (Post 14747)
It would be cool to be able to model the reptilian Cherub (serpent, coverng Cherub, precious stones covering as scales; other cherubs represent other land creatures except reptiles).

The only way to learn how is to try! - smile

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